Nursing Home Design Guide
requirements for central linen space
Linen and Materials
and dividing this up into smaller,
well-located utility areas. Verify with
local jurisdictional authorities.
3.9.1 General
5. Personal Clothing and Items
A good linen and materials management
Requirements referring to the
program operates in the background,
management of residents' personal
ensuring that residents are less aware
soiled linen vary by jurisdiction and
of the personal service needs of others
may include:
and focused on more stimulating and
satisfying aspects of daily life.
Storage in sealed or labeled net
bags, kept in a closed container
The purpose of this chapter is to identify
in the resident toilet room, and
the issues of linen and materials
should not encumber access.
management, including location, storage
Bagging in plastic or net and
and convenience. Methods for
stored in a ventilated soiled linen
estimating linen and storage are
included in Table 3.9 at the end of this
Soiled linen storage for personal
garments also generally requires
a ventilated area not typically
3.9.2 Planning Considerations
provided in a resident room
1. Volumes
Handbags, backpacks, extra
National laundry associations estimate
shoes, residents' personal
that Nursing Home residents produce
clothing, flowerpots, holiday
about 10-13 lbs. of laundry per person
decorations, wheelchair parts,
per day.
and oxygen concentrators are
neither clean nor soiled items.
2. Clean Linen
Clean linen refers to loose or bagged
6. Bedpans
sheets and towels; pre-packaged
If washable bedpans are
incontinence supplies; and freshly
incorporated in the plan of care,
laundered personal clothing.
facilities need to be available for
washing and sanitizing, while
3. Soiled Linen
protecting staff and other
The following items are deemed soiled:
Disposable bedpans are
Used sheets, towels, wash cloths
generally preferred by residents
Worn clothing
and staff.
Opened items (towels, cloths)
Yellow bag material (human waste),
7. Fire Protection
which is unhealthy for staff to rinse
Alcoves are appropriate for conveniently
Red bag material (medical waste).
locating clean linen and supplies,
though they must maintain access to a
4. Clean and Soiled Linen Room Sizes
sprinkler head.
Consider the option of taking overall
Office of Facilities Management
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