Nursing Home Design Guide
4. Destinations and Designated Activity
shops. These areas become an
experience or destination, even when
Included are a chapel, hair or personal
not using a specific space.
care area, canteen, computer library, and
3. On-Unit Casual Gathering
controlled outside access areas.
Consider including an activity room, a
On-unit gathering spaces are provided,
dementia care program room and fitness
at a ratio of one per each 12-24
persons. On-unit, casual spaces
include features such as windows with
5. Multi-Purpose Social Halls
views, tables, gardens, country
Plan multi-purpose rooms for 40-60% of
kitchens, exercise space or equipment,
the residents. Higher capacity may be
music listening and participation. (See
needed to accommodate peak
Figure 3.32) Such spaces are used for
participation, such as holiday events with
residents with comprehensive
invited visitors, which may experience
impairments as an alternative to lining
participation of 80%. Other criteria
residents up in corridors.
include the following:
Accommodate areas for resident
supervision such as staff work areas
Ease of entry access - multiple or
located in close proximity to casual
double doors; adequate space for
gathering areas. Functions for on-unit
seating; a central location; good sight
areas include:
lines to a stage, screen or other focal
Conversing and storytelling
Seating plans and focal points should
Serving snacks
address participation for wheelchair
Viewing outdoors
and non-wheelchair occupants.
Include adequate and convenient
Family visiting;
table and chair storage.
Selective media use
Provide a uniformly level floor,
wheelchair users.
6. Examples of Activity/Social Areas
Activity rooms accommodate baking,
table arts and wet and dry crafts, holiday
projects, games, cards, project displays,
and pets. For pottery work, firing should
be done in a space that appropriately
protects residents and staff from the heat
and hot surfaces.
Kitchenettes - These may satisfy
Figure 3.32
nourishment requirements for nursing
care and also may be part of an
Casual On-unit Gathering Space
activity program with separate, secure
CO State Veterans Home at Fitzsimons, CO
storage. A kitchenette with a table
Office of Facilities Management
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