Nursing Home Design Guide
background noise including traffic,
Distinctive, illuminated destinations
HVAC systems, ice machines, and
in view upon leaving one's room
overhead paging systems. Reduce
Non-glare lighting at levels
unnecessary travel through a unit as
appropriate to general and task
lighting (see IESNA, 1999)
3.5.4 Interior Considerations
Reinforce individuality by using safe
1. Room Recognition
display methods including storage units
Visual, auditory and tactile cues are
and protection of small items in
used in dementia care to encourage
appropriate display units. While fabric
stimulation, for example:
art, including vertically hung quilts, can
contribute to individuality, they need to
Fresh aromas to signal dining and
meet applicable flammability
stimulate digestion
Interior design techniques to
3. Engaging Activity
camouflage features of the
environment that are not essential to
Dementia care programs manage
the resident. (See Figure 3.27)
symptoms by providing simple stimuli
Consider using the same tone for
and familiar objects, inviting touch, and
walls and doors of utility areas and
offering options for appropriately
placing utility room signs above eye
dissipating emotions such as digging,
sports, walking, or actively rocking.
Residents with fragmented memory
of freedom. The specific routines of
and home style dining will vary from
facility to facility. Develop specific ways
of working with both active people and
those exhibiting more profound needs.
4. Blended Dementia Populations and
Small Nursing Care Units
It is possible to design a program and
unit that serves both active and more
sedentary individuals with Alzheimer's
and similar needs. Consider sharing
some service facilities and staff
members with more traditional Nursing
Figure 3.27
Home care. On such units, assigned
Monitored Exit Door with Art.
Epworth Villa, Oklahoma City, OK
ADG, Inc., Oklahoma City, OK.
Facilitate more continuous group
Personal items to identify a door,
such as memory boxes
3 - 45
Office of Facilities Management