Nursing Home Design Guide
Perception and Interiors
A dark border may be perceived as
2.3.1 Introduction
a drop-off and should be avoided.
The Nursing Home facility is considered
A toilet in stark contrast to the floor
a residential, "home-like" environment
is perceived as a separate entity
rather than a medical center. When
rather than a large field of a single
designing interiors of the Nursing Home
facility, include considerations for:
use of cues that normally associates
distance in our daily life. Many of these
Spatial Relationships
cues are developed at an early age in
Size of Spaces
life and typically do not change as an
Exterior View
individual ages. Examples of perception
Exterior Access
and relationships include:
These are important aspects of the
Familiar behavioral settings
residential environment where
Lounge Area
individuals are indoors for extended
Living Room
periods of time. Designers should
Sociopetal space and furniture
minimize travel distances between
Clustered seating
residents' bedrooms, dining, recreation
Newspaper and magazine racks
and lounge areas. Where shortened
Get-Away Spaces (See Figure 2.12)
distances are not possible, provide
Outdoor Nature settings
handrails, and rest stops with
Benches and pathways near
convenient seating or other physical
water or of feature in a courtyard
supports along an extended travel route.
or garden
2.3.2 Perception
Individual perception differs according to
the social situation. In a Nursing Home
facility, the creation of a home-like,
healing environment can greatly
improve the resident's perception of
their overall well being and sense of
control over their environment.
responses to a particular stimulus, but
rather as a reaction to the total stimulus
field. When designing the interior of this
Figure 2.12
building type, thought should be given
as to how the proposed solution will be
Outdoor Gathering Space
experienced by its user; for example:
CO State Veterans Home
Fitzsimons, CO
Office of Facilities Management
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