June 99
4.0 Lobby (Reception Desk & Display Area)
Public reception, waiting, and information for visitors
and funeral parties
Receptionist(s) greets visitors, funeral parties
Dispenses information, handout maps
Cemetery Visitors
Funeral Parties
Receptionist (Personnel assigned to this area as
needed; may be staffed by volunteers)
Public Rest Rooms
Cortege Assembly Area
Telephone Reception/Cortege Control
Provide a public image for the cemetery and the
National Cemetery Administration
Character of the space should be non-institutional
The scale, volume, and all parts must create a
significant space which invites and welcomes the
Minimal visitor seating, in small grouping(s) not
crossed by major circulation routes
Walls and/or display cases for veteran memorabilia
Possible display location of Great Seal of the U.S.
Receptionist workstation at 750 mm (30") desk
height with surface for visitor at a 1050 mm (42")
height; workstation may be free-standing or built-in
Personal computer with monitor, keyboard, and
mouse, on network with cemetery computers
Possible display location of service seals, if not in
assembly area
Heated and cooled to standard office occupancy
VA Design Guide -- National Cemetery Administration
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