The Parties mutually recognize and acknowledge that MOU implementation will be
subject to financial, technical, and other mission-related considerations. It is not intended
to create any rights, benefits, or trust responsibilities, either substantive or procedural,
nor is it enforceable in law by a party against the US, its agencies, its officers, or any
other person.
Collaboration under this MOU will be in accordance with applicable statutes and
regulations governing the respective Parties. Nothing in this MOU is intended to affect
existing obligations or other agreements of the Parties.
EFFECTIVE PERIOD: This MOU will become effective upon signature. It shall
remain in effect unless otherwise modified or terminated. Any Party may withdraw upon
30 days written notification to the others.
MODIFICATIONS: This MOU can be modified through mutual written agreement
among the Parties.
ADMINISTRATION: Agencies will strive to incorporate and adopt, as appropriate and
practical, the attached Guiding Principles into existing agency policy and guidance
within 180 days of signature. To assist with this effort, the Interagency Sustainability
Working Group (ISWG) will provide technical guidance and updates for the Guiding
The Office of the Federal Environmental Executive will work with the ISWG and Federal
Green Building Council to develop methods of reporting on progress towards this MOU
in a manner that is least burdensome to the agencies. This may include incorporating
reporting into existing mechanisms, such as executive order reports; but in any case with
a goal of avoiding a separate reporting process.