Louisville Lamp Company KY, is able to
Solar Kinetics TX, is able to
supply both the 600 x 600 and 600 x
provide the 600 x 600 and 600 x 1200
1200 fixture. Electronic ballasts,
fixtures. Electronic ballasts
parabolics, lensed fixtures available.
No minimum quantity.
Sandy McCrea (214) 556-2376
Mike Davidson (502) 964-4094
USI / Columbia Lighting WA, the
Lumispec PA, can produce both 600 x 600
second largest fluorescent fixture
and 600 x 1200 hard metric fixtures.
producer in the country, often
Parabolics, lensed, and electronic
produces hard metric sizes, can
supply 600 x 600 and 600 x 1200, and
about 30 fixtures.
can make almost any size metric
Eric Papougenis (215) 228-3830
fixture. Lead times would not
normally exceed 8-10 weeks.
Mark Lighting NJ, has made metric
Mark Johnson, Fred Smith
fixtures before, can supply both the
(509) 924-7000
600 x 600 and 600 x 1200. Minimum order
is about 50 fixtures.
Wellmade Metal Products CA, is able
George Miller (201) 939-0880
to produce both
600 x 600 and 600 x 1200 hard metric
Midwest Chandelier KS, is now supplying
fixtures. Parabolics or lensed are
hard metric 600 x 1200 parabolic and
available. Electronic ballasts are
lensed fixtures to GSA projects. Prices
available. Minimum order is about
are generally comparable to english
100 fixtures.
size costs. Minimum order is 50
Bernie Shane (510) 562-1878
Tom Lefkovitz, Doug Pasternak (913)
Morlite Equipment PA,
(814) 774-9631
Prudential Lighting CA, can make both
the 600 x 600 and the 600 x 1200
fixture. Company only produces lensed
products, such as lensed troffers.
Parabolics are not offered. Electronic
75 fixtures.
Tammy Swaim (213) 746-0360
Simkar Lighting PA, has produced and
can supply 600 x 600 and 600 x 1200
fixtures. Parabolics, electronic
ballasts, are offered. Premiums on
small orders such as 10-20 fixtures.
Robert McCully (215) 831-7700