OMB No.:
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average a total of 29 hours per response (25 hours for Part 1 and 4 hours for Part
2), including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including
suggestions for reducing this burden, to the FAR Secretariat (MVA), Regulatory and Federal Assistance Publications Division, GSA, Washington, DC
Federal agencies use this form to obtain information from architect-engineer (A-E) firms about their professional qualifications. Federal
agencies select firms for A-E contracts on the basis of professional qualifications as required by the Brooks A-E Act (40 U.S.C. 1101 -
1104) and Part 36 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR).
The Brooks A-E Act requires the public announcement of requirements for A-E services (with some exceptions provided by other
statutes), and the selection of at least three of the most highly qualified firms based on demonstrated competence and professional
qualifications according to specific criteria published in the announcement. The Act then requires the negotiation of a contract at a fair
and reasonable price starting first with the most highly qualified firm.
The information used to evaluate firms is from this form and other sources, including performance evaluations, any additional data
requested by the agency, and interviews with the most highly qualified firms and their references.
Part I presents the qualifications for a specific contract.
Part II presents the general qualifications of a firm or a specific branch office of a firm. Part II has two uses:
An A-E firm may submit Part II to the appropriate central, regional or local office of each Federal agency to be kept on
file. A public announcement is not required for certain contracts, and agencies may use Part II as a basis for selecting at least three of
the most highly qualified firms for discussions prior to requesting submission of Part I. Firms are encouraged to update Part II on file
with agency offices, as appropriate, according to FAR Part 36. If a firm has branch offices, submit a separate Part II for each branch
office seeking work.
Prepare a separate Part II for each firm that will be part of the team proposed for a specific contract and submitted
with Part I. If a firm has branch offices, submit a separate Part II for each branch office that has a key role on the team.
Individual agencies may supplement these instructions. For example, they may limit the number of projects or number of pages
submitted in Part I in response to a public announcement for a particular project. Carefully comply with any agency instructions when
preparing and submitting this form. Be as concise as possible and provide only the information requested by the agency.
Architect-Engineer Services: Defined in FAR 2.101.
Branch Office: A geographically distinct place of business or subsidiary office of a firm that has a key role on the team.
Discipline: Primary technical capabilities of key personnel, as evidenced by academic degree, professional registration, certification,
and/or extensive experience.