Do you have a master plan / standards program? Describe or attach
What committees are you a member of? _______________________
__________________________________ Chair _______________
Describe your level of IRM support.
Terminal______________PC_________ CD ROM___________
Auto CAD______Internet_____Microsoft Outlook/Exchange_______
Word_______Laptop (Use Of)________
Other software (it would be helpful if you state what functions you
perform with the software and attach a sample)
What other equipment do you have? FAX ___
Copier___Kroy___Color Copier______ Light Box _____ Signage
Machine____ Other _______________________________________
What is your office size? ___________________________________
Is it separate or a shared space? If so with whom ______________
Does your office have windows or access to natural light? _________
Do you have support space/Conference/meeting/Sample Room/
Workroom/Storage? ______________________________________
What projects are you the most proud of that were completed in the
last three years? _________________________________________
Have you put into place a process that is a better method for serving
the patients and the staff or a better design method?