June 2006
321.2 Supporting Framework: Recent designs have typically used purlins of small, wide
flange steel beams such as W6 shapes. Spacing of purlins and hangers is to be coordinated
with structural bay and service channels. Typical area per hanger remains in range of 50 to 60
square feet.
321.3 Platform: Fire resistance. The platform is
not considered as a
separate 1-hour element;
but as a part of the complete 2-hour floor/ceiling system.
321.4 Finished Ceiling: systems are suspended below platform and are not part of the fire re-
sistive floor/ceiling assembly. Most areas will use acoustical panels in exposed grid with hard
surface (GWB or plaster) finishes where needed. See VA Program Guide PG-18-14, Room Fin-
ishes, Door, And Hardware Schedule.
322.1 Platform: systems using poured gypsum concrete or lightweight Portland cement con-
crete over metal deck may be considered for use. Since the platform deck forms part of the fire
resistive "floor/ceiling" assembly, the construction must comply with recognized fire-resistive as-
semblies. If smoke barrier partitions terminate at the underside of the platform, the platform
construction must provide resistance to passage of smoke equal to the partitions.
Lightweight Portland cement mixes are preferred for increased durability and greater ease of
patching or repair. The metal deck, or form board, is placed on the bottom flanges of the sup-
porting framework of purlins and the concrete fill is screeded to nearly the level of the top flange
of the purlins. The top flanges are left exposed to facilitate attachment of supports for service
distribution in the S-4 and S-5 subzones. Bottom flanges of purlins must be fireproofed. Details
of typical assemblies are provided in Appendix C.
322.2 Finished: Ceiling Options 1 and 2 are no longer used. Under Option 3 limited lateral dis-
tribution may occur in the S-7 subzone; such as offsets in service drops, fixtures or devices re-
cessed in the finished ceiling, switch legs and whips for lighting fix-
tures, fire sprinkler branches, and non-integrated telecommunica-
tions subsystems. The design team shall coordinate and clearly
define on the documents the hierarchy for distribution of services
between the S-5 and S-7 subzones.
324 Ceiling Loading: Criteria for vertical and lateral loading
apply to the platform system. Refer to structural sections for de-
tailed requirements.
325 Acoustics: Refer to VA
Program Guide PG-18-3, Topic
11, Noise Transmission Control for STC ratings required at vari-
ous locations.
326 Fire Safety: Design and construction of platform and ceil-
ing including opening protection (if required) and fire and smoke
stopping are to comply with VA Fire Protection Manual and ap-
plicable codes. Materials and assemblies are to conform to cur-
New Mexico VA HCS
rent designs as listed or approved by UL or other recognized au-
Albuquerque, NM, 1986