Detailed Needs and Requirements: Cardio-Pulmonary Unit
Inpatients coming to the unit will generally be ambulant or in wheelchairs.
In certain instances, however, critically ill patients will be brought from
intensive care units. In addition, certain types of organ transplantation
patients will require diagnostic procedures in the unit. Proximity to
medical and cardiac care units and organ transplant units would minimize
the risk in transferring patients.
Cardio-pulmonary technicians are trained to deal with emergencies that
may arise on the unit. These technicians may be assigned to the cardiac
emergency team, which will respond to emergencies anywhere in the
hospital. Intensive care and cardiac care units are the most likely areas
for such emergencies. Close proximity to these units would facilitate
emergency care by these technicians.
Medical specialists and certain technical staff consult during surgical
procedures. A close relationship between the unit and surgery would
maximize staff utilization consultation.
Outpatients should be able to come to the unit with a minimum of
inconvenience and without disrupting the activities on other nursing units.
There are significant similarities between the training of cardio-pulmonary
technicians and inhalation therapists. Much of the equipment used in
cardio-pulmonary and inhalation therapy units has similar operational and
maintenance requirements. A close relationship between these two units
might facilitate cross utilization of these trained personnel. Such a
relationship might also enable a joint use of some equipment.
1. Environment
The environment should provide an aseptic and efficient space in
which to conduct technical procedures. Patient stay is relatively short
but their level of apprehension will, at times, be high.
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