Detailed Needs and Requirements: Hemodialysis Unit
They will be admitted to the hospital and will be brought to the unit
periodically from general nursing units. While on the unit, they
require the level of nursing care normally accorded general medical
or surgical patients.
c. Patients awaiting kidney transplants. These patients will be similar
to chronic patients, but may be undergoing immunosuppressive
therapy prior to surgery. They may, therefore, require fairly strict
isolation during treatments. Physical isolation and normal hand
washing and gowning techniques should be sufficient.
2. Physicians
The hemodialysis unit will be directed by physicians experienced in
renal pathophysiology. These physicians direct the activities of the
nursing and its technical staff as well as performing necessary
examinations and treatments, e.g., implanting cannulas, removing clots
from shunts, kidney biopsies, etc. While on the unit they may consult
with other physicians and residents and they will be involved with
individual and group instruction of interns and medical students.
In addition to these activities, these physicians have responsibilities
that involve them in other areas of the hospital. They may assume
direct responsibility for the care of some patients in general nursing
units, consult with physicians in other areas of the hospital, work in
outpatient clinics, or be involved in hospital staff activities.
3. Residents and Interns
The activities of residents parallel those of physicians on the
hemodialysis unit. They assume many of the same responsibilities for
patient examinations and special treatment procedures; however, their
work is subject to evaluation and direction by the physicians.
Interns will also be assigned to the unit in certain instances.
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