Detailed Needs and Requirements: Psychiatric Unit
2. Psychiatrist
The psychiatrist functions as director, coordinator and counselor of
other members of the psychiatric team. The psychiatrist, in
consultation with the team, determines the diagnostics program for
specific patients, evaluates the results of tests, prescribes the
treatment, supervises the administration of treatment, programs and
checks and analyzes patients' progress. In addition he will interview
patients and patients' relative and conduct individual and group
psychotherapy sessions. He may also conduct teaching rounds and
conferences on the unit and in certain instances initiate and conduct
psychiatric research.
The psychiatrist may be actively involved in the outpatient or day care
clinics, particularly, in the follow-up of patients who have been
previously treated. In addition, he may provide consultation for
patients on other units in the hospital.
3. Psychologist
The psychologist in the psychiatric unit is responsible for the
administration and evaluation of psychological test of all types. The
psychologist is also continually involved in the treatment of patients,
and is specifically responsible for vocational counseling and
The psychologist is actively involved in the teaching of staff, interns,
medical students, and psychology trainees. He may also participate in
or conduct research projects.
4. Residents and Interns
Residents in psychiatry may be directly involved in psychodiagnostic
and psychotherapeutic procedures. Most arranging and managing of
examinations and tests and treating patients will be done by the
residents. They have major responsibility for patient care when the
psychiatrist is not available i.e., nights and weekends. Residents may
wish to study or have an opportunity to relax "on call".
Interns have patient responsibility which is similar to the resident in
some cases. They may assist the psychiatrist and/or resident on their
rounds, assist in diagnosis and treatment procedures and patient
charting. They may need to study during their assignment to the unit.
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