Planning Module Applications: Design Configurations
2. Compound Assemblies
A compound structural assembly is one which contains structural bays
that adjoin one another at right angles. A compound mechanical
assembly is one in which an interior service bay is used.
Utilizing the three classification headings discussed in Section 251.1
above, a table of configurations can be developed which quickly compares
a number of configuration options and thereby speeds the initial design
development. Figure 250-2 illustrates the classification framework applied
to a number of design configuration alternatives.
In the chart, groups of configurations occur in vertical columns, each of
which is a development of one basic assembly pattern of bed care service
modules. Some columns could be extended to illustrate larger
configurations, just as other basic assembly patterns could be shown.
However, this chart is intended as a demonstration of the way
configurations may be classified within the constraints of the system, rater
than a complete catalog of system configurations.
The configurations in the chart are diagrammatic so that basic assembly
patterns and characteristics can be illustrated.
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