The Space Module: Space Module Characteristics
The gross area of a nursing unit varies width the number of beds, the
sanitary facilities provided in each room and the desired amount of direct
patient care support (core). The modules provide a range in approximate
area from 3,350 to 6,075 square feet for 20-bed modules and form 8,900
to 10,500 square feet for 40-bed modules. This area will provide sufficient
space for a reasonable amount of direct care support adjacent to patient
beds and a complete range of bedroom sanitary facilities.
The space module area can be supplemented with additional space as a
means of accommodating functions not necessary for direct patient care
support such as education, certain offices, shared diagnostic, treatment or
staff facilities, vertical circulation systems, etc. This additional space on
the nursing floor can be constructed with the building system but does not
possess the organizational characteristics of the space modules. The
amount of additional space varies with the hospital program. It is provided
by extending the structural frame in increments of one bay.
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