VA Hospital Building System - hospital_bldg_system0001Development StudyForeword - hospital_bldg_system0003Acknowledgements - hospital_bldg_system0004Contents - hospital_bldg_system0005Contents of Volume One - Design ManualFigures and Tables in Volume OneFigures and Tables in Volume One (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0009Figures and Tables in Volume One (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0010Contents of Volume Two - Data BaseFigures and Tables in Volume TwoFigures and Tables in Volume Two (cont)Contents of Volume Three - Project ReportFigures and Tables in Volume ThreeFigures and Tables in Volume Three (cont)Volume 1 Design ManualVolume 1 Design Manual (cont)Basic ConceptsThe Prototype DesignLong Range DevelopmentVariabilityPlanning Modules - hospital_bldg_system0026Figure 110-1. The planning modulesFigure 110-2. The Service Module as a Building Block for Alternative Building ConfigurationsSpace Modules and Fire SectionBuilding Subsystems - hospital_bldg_system0030Figure 110-3. The Building SubsystemsServices - hospital_bldg_system0032Design SpecificityApplication - hospital_bldg_system0035The Data BaseThe Planning ModulesThe Structural BayFigure 210-1. The Structural BayCapabilitiesSuites of Large Rooms - hospital_bldg_system0042The Service ModuleFigure 220-1. The Service ModuleDerivationSize and ShapeFigure 220-2. Nominal Service Module DimensionsFire Sections - hospital_bldg_system0048Range of ShapesSpecial Service ModulesSpecial Service Modules (Cont) - hospital_bldg_system0051Special Service Modules (Cont) - hospital_bldg_system0052Service BaysFigure 220-3. Typical Service BayVariationsFigure 220-4. Split Service BayFigure 220-5. Internal Service BayLocationFigure - hospital_bldg_system0059Service Zone - hospital_bldg_system0060Channels - hospital_bldg_system0061Figure 220-6. Subzones: Section Through BeamsFigure 220-7. Channels: Section Parallel to BeamsFigure 220-8. Channels: PlanThe sequence of channels will be controlled by three factorsAccess and MaintenanceAcoustics - hospital_bldg_system0068Functional ZoneServices - hospital_bldg_system0070The Space Module - hospital_bldg_system0071Figure 230-1. The Space ModuleThe Space Module: Basic DesignSpace Module CharacteristicsArea of Space ModulesInterior OrganizationFigure 230-2. Plan ZonesBedroom ZoneFigure 230-3. Patient Room Critical DimensionsStructural Bay WidthFigure 230-4. Bedroom Width VariationsFigure 230-5. Sanitary Zone Options: Sample StudiesFigure 230-6. Sanitary Zone Options: Sample StudiesFigure 230-7. Sanitary Zone Options: Sample StudiesPlanning Around ColumnsCatalog of Space Module CapabilitiesFigure 230-8. Space Module Summary SheetFigure 230-9. Space Module Type 1Figure 230-10. Space Module Type 2Figure 230-11. Space Module Type 3Figure 230-12. Space Module Type 4Figure 230-13. Space Module Type 5Figure 230-14. Space Module Type 6Figure 230-15. Space Module Type 7Figure 230-16. Space Module Type 8Figure 230-17. Space Module Type 9Figure 230-18. Space Module Type 10Figure 230-19. Space Module Type 11The Fire SectionFigure 240-1. The Fire SectionFire Section CharacteristicsFigure 240-2. Fire Section Planning: System vs. ConventionalRelation to Functional ZoneFigure 240-3. Partition RequirementsPlanning Module ApplicationsTower separate from a baseDesign ComplexityAlternative ConfigurationsFigure 250-1. Simple and Compound AssembliesLegend for Figure 250-2Figure 250-2. Examples of Classified ConfigurationsAssembly characteristics of the service moduleThe Service BayThe Service StripThe Space Module - hospital_bldg_system0118Figure 250-3. Service Strip Alternate Strategy: Air-Handling Unit Adjacent to Service Module with Ducted SupplyFigure 250-4. Service Strip Alternate Strategy: Air-Handling Unit Located on RoofFigure 250-5. Service Strip Alternate Strategy: Air-Handling Unit Located in Service Zone with Ducted SupplyOrientation and AccessFigure 250-6. Assembly Characteristics of the Space Module and Service ModuleAssembly Characteristics of the Fire SectionFigure 250-7. Service Module Assembly CharacteristicsFigure 250-8. Summary of Assembly CharacteristicsThe Building SubsystemsThe Building Subsystems (cont)StructureLateral Force Resisting ElementsRelationship between the main structural membersFigure 310-1. Basic Design of Structural SubsystemFigure 310-2. Relationship Between Main Structural MembersGeneric Design Options - hospital_bldg_system0134Dimensions - hospital_bldg_system0135Building HeightBuilding WidthGirdersGirders (cont)BeamsStructural SlabShear Elements - hospital_bldg_system0142Figure 310-3. Typical Set of Openings in Shear Wall Between Service Bay and Rest of Service ModulePenetration through shear resisting elementsLoading - hospital_bldg_system0145Table 310-1. Design Live LoadsFigure 310-2. Summary of Vertical Design LoadsLateral LoadsOther Design Criteria - hospital_bldg_system0149Special Considerations - hospital_bldg_system0150Figure 310-4. Building SeparationsLocation of shear elementsFigure 310-5. Examples of Collectors for Lateral ForcesDouble shear elementsChange of Direction in FramingFigure 310-6. Accommodation of Change of Direction of Framing System when Beam Span is 45 FeetFigure 310-7. Accommodation of Change of Direction of Framing System when Beam Span is not 45 FeetFraming of Service StripsFigure 310-8. Framing System for Portion of Floor with Service StripsTarget Costs - hospital_bldg_system0160ExcludedCeiling - hospital_bldg_system0163Figure 320-1. Basic Design of Ceiling SubsystemSupporting Framework - hospital_bldg_system0165Figure 320-2. Ceiling ComponentsGeneric Design Options - hospital_bldg_system0167Figure 320-3. Example of a Poured Reinforced Gypsum PlatformTreatment of Walk-on SurfacePrecast Lightweight ConcreteFigure 320-4. Example of a Precast Lightweight Concrete PlatformFigure 320-5. Example of a Dry Gypsum PlatformFigure 320-6. Example of a Metal Deck PlatformFinished Ceiling - hospital_bldg_system0174Option 2: Interrupted Ceiling Directly Applied to the Underside of the PlatformOption 2: Interrupted Ceiling Directly Applied to the Underside of the Platform (cont)Option 3: Interrupted Finished Ceiling Suspended from the PlatformDimensions - hospital_bldg_system0178Figure 320-7. Ceiling DimensionsSpacing of Main Members of Supporting FrameworkLoading - hospital_bldg_system0181Figure 320-8. Method of Support of Ceiling-Mounted Equipment from Structure AboveAcoustics - hospital_bldg_system0183Figure 320-9. Acoustic Criteria for Various AssembliesFinished Ceiling - hospital_bldg_system0185Fire Safety - hospital_bldg_system0186Other Design Criteria - hospital_bldg_system0187PenetrationsTarget Costs - hospital_bldg_system0189Partitions - hospital_bldg_system0191Figure 330-1. Basic Design of Partition SubsystemFigure 330-2. Components of Partition SubsystemFigure 330-3. Examples of Rated Perimeter Relief Runner Details at Head of PartitionGeneric Design Options - hospital_bldg_system0195Figure 330-4. Partition Generic Design Option 1: Gypsum Board on Metal StudsFigure 330-5. Partition Generic Design Option 2: Laminated Gypsum BoardTypical Methods for Housing ServicesFigure 330-6. Furring Around Surface Mounted ServicesDimensions - hospital_bldg_system0200StrengthLaminated Gypsum Board Partitions - hospital_bldg_system0202Attachments - hospital_bldg_system0203Laminated Gypsum Board Partitions - hospital_bldg_system0204Acoustics - hospital_bldg_system0205Furring around surface mounted servicesFire Safety - hospital_bldg_system0207Gypsum Board on Metal Stud PartitionsOther Design Criteria - hospital_bldg_system0209AccessRate of Change of ServicesTarget Costs - hospital_bldg_system0212Not Included - hospital_bldg_system0213Heating Ventilating CoolingFigure 340-1. Basic Design of HVC SubsystemGeneric Design Options - hospital_bldg_system0217Organization - hospital_bldg_system0218Channels - hospital_bldg_system0219Service Bay - hospital_bldg_system0220Figure 340-3. Service Bay and Secondary Subzones: PlanInternal Service BaysDesign Criteria - hospital_bldg_system0223Figure 340-4. Typical HVC Load DistributionFigure 340-5. Air-Handling-Unit CapacitiesVariable CharacteristicsFire Safety - hospital_bldg_system0227Adaptability - hospital_bldg_system0228Target Costs - hospital_bldg_system0229Not Included - hospital_bldg_system0230Plumbing Distribution - hospital_bldg_system0231Figure 350-1. Basic Design of Plumbing Distribution SubsystemOrganization - hospital_bldg_system0233Figure 350-2. Typical Subzone Organization for Plumbing Distribution: SectionFigure 350-3. Secondary Subzones for Plumbing Distribution: PlanDesign Criteria - hospital_bldg_system0236Figure 350-4. Floor Drain DimensionsAcoustics - hospital_bldg_system0238Target Costs - hospital_bldg_system0239Electrical Distribution - hospital_bldg_system0241Figure 360-1. Basic Design of Electrical Distribution SubsystemOrganization - hospital_bldg_system0243Service Bay - hospital_bldg_system0244Design Criteria - hospital_bldg_system0245Figure 360-3. Load Distribution by Percentage of Total LoadFigure 360-4. Load Distribution in Heavy Demand AreasDistribution NetworkService Module RequirementsAccessibility - hospital_bldg_system0250Target Costs - hospital_bldg_system0251Coordination Checklist - hospital_bldg_system0253Coordination Checklist (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0254Coordination Checklist (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0255Coordination Checklist (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0256Coordination Checklist (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0257Table 370-1. Coordination Checklist IndexProcedure - hospital_bldg_system0259Introduction - hospital_bldg_system0261Introduction (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0262Problem AnalysisCode AnalysisDesign Development - hospital_bldg_system0265Sanitary ZoneConfiguration Options - hospital_bldg_system0267Service ModulesBlock Plan ConceptBuilding Schematic Design (Block Layouts)Preliminary DocumentsContract DocumentsSimplificationProductionVA StandardsCost Estimating - hospital_bldg_system0277Target Costs - hospital_bldg_system0278Functional Area Costs - hospital_bldg_system0279Construction SchedulingDesigning for ConstructionInterstitial SpaceTypical SequenceGlossary - hospital_bldg_system0285Glossary (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0286Glossary (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0287Glossary (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0288Glossary (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0289Glossary (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0290Glossary (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0291Glossary (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0292Data Base Volume 2Data Base Volume 2 (Cont)Data Base RequirementsData Base Requirements (Cont)Generalized Needs and Requirements: Total HospitalUser Needs for the Total HospitalMaintenance - hospital_bldg_system0299Building ManagementAsepsisMaterials Handling and TransportationCurrent Systems - hospital_bldg_system0303Disposable (consumed) ItemsMaterials Handling and Transportation SystemsCurrent Systems - hospital_bldg_system0306Communications - hospital_bldg_system0307Functional requirements for the total hospitalRequirements Affecting the Configuration of Functional UnitsArea RequirementsTable 510-1. Gross Departmental AreasTable 510-1. Gross Departmental Areas (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0312Table 510-1. Gross Departmental Areas (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0313Table 510-1. Gross Departmental Areas (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0314Unobstructed Area RequirementsCritical Dimension RequirementsTable 510-2. Spaces Required to be Column FreeFigure 510-3. Minimum Ceiling HeightsRequirements Affecting the Configuration of the Total HospitalRelationship Between Functional UnitsRelationship Between Functional Units (cont)Building Height Limitations - hospital_bldg_system0322Environmental Requirements - hospital_bldg_system0323Acoustical RequirementsLighting RequirementsTable 510-4. Acoustical RequirementsTable 510-5. Sound Transmission Resistance Between Nursing Unit Spaces, STCRequirements for FinishesRequired Wall FinishesRequired Ceiling FinishesAsepsis RequirementsMaintenance RequirementsFire Safety RequirementsTable 510-6. Plumbing Distribution RequirementsTable 510-6. Plumbing Distribution Requirements (cont)Table 510-7. Electrical Power Distribution RequirementsMiscellaneous RequirementsAttachment RequirementsFloor Slab Depression RequirementsDetailed Needs and Requirements: Nursing UnitsGeneral Nursing UnitTable 520-1. Movement Factors: General Nursing UnitFigure 520-1. General Nursing Unit: Nursing Staff Traffic PatternsOrganization - hospital_bldg_system0345Primary Users - hospital_bldg_system0346Figure 520-2. General Nursing Units: Organization OptionsPatients - hospital_bldg_system0348Physicians - hospital_bldg_system0349Nursing Staff - hospital_bldg_system0350Medical Students - hospital_bldg_system0351Social WorkTrends - hospital_bldg_system0353Functional Requirements - hospital_bldg_system0354Medical ServiceSpace Requirements - hospital_bldg_system0356Patient Bathing FacilitiesExamination/Treatment Room - hospital_bldg_system0358Medication Room - hospital_bldg_system0359Offices - hospital_bldg_system0360Intensive Care Units - hospital_bldg_system0361Characteristics - hospital_bldg_system0362Table 520-2. Movement Factors: Medical Intensive Care UnitTable 520-3. Movement Factors: Surgical Intensive Care UnitTable 520-4. Movement Factors: Cardiac Intensive Care UnitPrimary Users - hospital_bldg_system0366Patients - hospital_bldg_system0367Physicians - hospital_bldg_system0368Residents and Interns - hospital_bldg_system0369Medical Students - hospital_bldg_system0370Clinical LaboratoryFunctional Requirements - hospital_bldg_system0372Figure 520-3. Intensive Care Unit: Operational Relationship Option 1Figure 520-4. Intensive Care Unit: Operational Relationship Option 2Space Requirements - hospital_bldg_system0375Figure 520-5. Intensive Care Unit: Visual Control DiagramNurse's StationFigure 520-6. Intensive Care Unit: Patient Environment DiagramFigure 520-7. Cardiac Care Unit: Patient Room ExampleWaiting RoomSelf Care UnitPrimary Users - hospital_bldg_system0382Functional Requirements - hospital_bldg_system0383Space Requirements - hospital_bldg_system0384Psychiatric UnitCharacteristics - hospital_bldg_system0386Table 520-5. Movement Factors: Psychiatric UnitPrimary Users - hospital_bldg_system0388Patients - hospital_bldg_system0389PsychiatristPsychiatric NursesMedical Students - hospital_bldg_system0392Laboratory PersonnelTrends - hospital_bldg_system0394Functional Relationships - hospital_bldg_system0395Figure 520-8. Psychiatric Unit: Primary RelationshipsSecurity RoomPatient Shower and Toilet FacilitiesGroup Therapy RoomOffices - hospital_bldg_system0400Nursing Instructor's OfficeNursing Home Care UnitPrimary Users - hospital_bldg_system0403Physicians - hospital_bldg_system0404Functional Requirements - hospital_bldg_system0405Dayroom - hospital_bldg_system0406Clinical Studies UnitPrimary Users - hospital_bldg_system0408Physicians - hospital_bldg_system0409Residents and Interns - hospital_bldg_system0410Nursing StudentsFunctional Requirements - hospital_bldg_system0412Figure 520-9. Clinical Studies Unit: Operational RelationshipsSpace Requirements - hospital_bldg_system0414Nurses' StationDayroom - hospital_bldg_system0416Gastroenterology UnitOperational RelationshipsPrimary Users - hospital_bldg_system0419Residents and Interns - hospital_bldg_system0420Medical Students - hospital_bldg_system0421Functional Requirements - hospital_bldg_system0422Figure 520-10. Gastroenterology Unit: Operational Relationships with Related Nursing UnitsExamination Room - hospital_bldg_system0424Conference Room - hospital_bldg_system0425Hemodialysis UnitOrganization - hospital_bldg_system0427Primary Users - hospital_bldg_system0428Physicians - hospital_bldg_system0429Nursing Staff - hospital_bldg_system0430Functional Requirements - hospital_bldg_system0431Patients' Dressing AreaKitchenOrgan Transplant UnitCharacteristics - hospital_bldg_system0435Table 520-6. Movement Factors: Organ Transplant UnitFigure 520-11. Organ Transplant Unit: Operational RelationshipsPhysicians - hospital_bldg_system0438Nursing Staff - hospital_bldg_system0439Functional Requirements - hospital_bldg_system0440Space Requirements - hospital_bldg_system0441Office and Conference SpaceCardio-Pulmonary UnitCharacteristics - hospital_bldg_system0444Primary Users - hospital_bldg_system0445Physicians - hospital_bldg_system0446Nursing Staff - hospital_bldg_system0447Trends - hospital_bldg_system0448Functional Requirements - hospital_bldg_system0449Space Requirements - hospital_bldg_system0450LaboratoryFigure 520-12. Cardiac Catheterization Unit: San Francisco General HospitalEquipment Storage - hospital_bldg_system0453Electrocardiographic LaboratoryTechnician StationPatient DressingTeachingFunctional Requirements - hospital_bldg_system0458Medical Students - hospital_bldg_system0459Examination/Treatment Room - hospital_bldg_system0460Residents' QuartersFunctional Requirements - hospital_bldg_system0462Decentralized FacilitiesBiomedical EngineeringCost BaseCost ParametersTable 530-1. Summary of Subsystem Installed CostsDescription of Hospitals StudiedMemphis, Tennessee, VA Hospital - hospital_bldg_system0469Ceilings - hospital_bldg_system0470Partitions - hospital_bldg_system0471Atlanta, Georgia, VA Hospital - hospital_bldg_system0472Heating-Ventilation-CoolingMemphis, Tennessee, VA Hospital - hospital_bldg_system0474Atlanta, Georgia, VA Hospital - hospital_bldg_system0475Plumbing distribution - hospital_bldg_system0476Plumbing distribution (cont)Component CostsTable 530-3. Ceiling Cost BreakdownTable 530-4. Partition Cost BreakdownTable 530-4b. Partition Cost Breakdown, FinishesTable 530-5. Mechanical Cost BreakdownElectrical Power Distribution - hospital_bldg_system0483Functional Area Costs - hospital_bldg_system0484Sumamry TablesTable 530-8. Functional Area Costs in Support Areas of the Miami VA HospitalFigure 530-1. Functional Area Costs in Support Areas of the Miami VA HospitalTable 530-9. Functional Area Costs in Support Areas of the Memphis VA HospitalFigure 530-2. Functional Area Costs in Support Areas of the Memphis VA HospitalFigure 530-3. Ceiling Functional Area Cost for MiamiFigure 530-4. Ceiling Functional Area Cost for MemphisFigure 530-5. Partition Functional Area Costs for MiamiFigure 530-6. Partition Functional Area Costs for MemphisPartitions - hospital_bldg_system0494Heating-Ventilating-Cooling - hospital_bldg_system0495Figure 530-7. HVC Functional Area Costs for MiamiFigure 530-8. HVC Functional Area Costs for MemphisHeating-Ventilating-Cooling (cont)Plumbing Distribution - hospital_bldg_system0499Figure 530-9. Plumbing Distribution Functional Area Costs for MiamiFigure 530-10. Plumbing Distribution Functional Area Costs for MemphisElectrical Power Distribution - hospital_bldg_system0502Electrical Power Distribution (cont)Figure 530-11. Electrical Power Distribution Functional Area Costs for MiamiFigure 530-12. Electrical Power Distribution Functional Area Costs for MemphisBuilding Trade UnionsIndustrializationPrefabrication and the Building System Prototype DesignBasic ConcernsJob SecurityJob Security (Cont) - hospital_bldg_system0512Job Security (Cont) - hospital_bldg_system0513Attitudes Toward PrefabricationLegal InfluencesLegal Influences (cont)National Union PolicyRecent AgreementsFuture Trends - hospital_bldg_system0519Determining Local Union Reaction to Proposed PrefabricationConclusions - hospital_bldg_system0521Conclusions (cont)References - hospital_bldg_system0523References (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0524Laws and RegulationsCodesFederal Procurement RegulationsVA Manual M-7VA Construction StandardsSubsystem Checklist - hospital_bldg_system0530Discrepancies - hospital_bldg_system0531Discrepancies (Cont) - hospital_bldg_system0532Discrepancies (Cont) - hospital_bldg_system0533VA Master Construction SpecificationsSubsystem Checklist - hospital_bldg_system0535Discrepancies - hospital_bldg_system0536VA Standard DetailsSubsystem Checklist - hospital_bldg_system0538Discrepancies - hospital_bldg_system0539Project Report - Volume 3Project Report - Volume 3 (cont)Narrative - hospital_bldg_system0543Summary - hospital_bldg_system0545Conventional Design and ConstructionConventional Design and Construction (cont)The Systems ApproachPerformance DesignCost/Performance Trade-offConvergence and FeedbackConvergence and Feedback (cont)Scope - hospital_bldg_system0553ObjectivesImproved Performance - hospital_bldg_system0555Time Reduction - hospital_bldg_system0556TasksTasks (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0558Tasks (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0559The Building System Prototype DesignThe Building System Prototype Design (cont)Conclusions - hospital_bldg_system0563Life Cost - hospital_bldg_system0564Improved Performance - hospital_bldg_system0565Adaptability - hospital_bldg_system0566Time Reduction - hospital_bldg_system0567Long-Range DevelopmentLong-Range Development (cont)Costs - hospital_bldg_system0570Limitations and ConstraintsRedundancyMaintenance and HousekeepingHazards of InnovationRecommendations - hospital_bldg_system0575Construct a Mock-up for Physical TestingExpand Scope to More SubsystemsExtend Capability to Needs of Other UsesFurther Development of the Data BaseSpace Module CatalogBuilding Technology and Systems InformationFurther ResearchStudy Relative Merits of Horizontal vs. Vertical Hospital ConfigurationsReview of Planning CriteriaReview of Planning Criteria (cont)AppendicesAppendices (cont)Design Rationale, Planning ModuleFigure 710-1. Functional Network ExampleRoom ModuleEach module scale optionThe Space Module - hospital_bldg_system0593Organization - hospital_bldg_system0594Core Plan Example - hospital_bldg_system0595Double Loaded Corridor and Core Plan Example - hospital_bldg_system0596Cluster Plan Example (San Francisco)Cluster Plan Example (Texas)Core and Double Loaded Corridor Plan ExampleCore Plan Example - hospital_bldg_system0600Double Loaded Corridor and Core Plan Example - hospital_bldg_system0601Core Plan Example - hospital_bldg_system0602Double Loaded Corridor Plan ExampleCore Plan Example - hospital_bldg_system0604Configuration TypesArchitects for Example Nursing UnitsDimensional CharacteristicsRelation of Span to Space UseRelation of Span to Space Use (Cont)Relation of Bay Width to Space UseA Set of 11 Space ModulesAdditional SpaceVerification of Structural SystemSuites of Large Rooms - hospital_bldg_system0614Figure 710-2. Surgery Simulation, VA Hospital, Tampa, FloridaFigure 710-3. Surgery Simulation, VA Hospital, Memphis, TennesseeFigure 710-4. Surgery Simulation, VA Hospital, Cleveland, OhioFigure 710-5. Radiology Simulation, VA Hospital, Tampa, FloridaFigure 710-6. Radiology Simulation, VA Hospital, Memphis, TennesseeFigure 710-7. Radiology Simulation, VA Hospital, Cleveland, OhioConfiguration StudiesLegend (Figures 710-8, 9 & 10)Figure 710-8. VA Hospital, Columbia, MissouriFigure 710-9. VA Hospital, Wood, WisconsinFigure 710-10. VA Hospital, Lexington, KentuckyDesign Rationale, Building SubsystemsFraming System for Vertical LoadsShallow Beams Combined with Suspended Ceiling-PlatformDeep TrussAccess FloorCombination Access Floor and Suspended CeilingBuilding Height Limitations - hospital_bldg_system0633Seismic Zone 1Ceiling - hospital_bldg_system0635Horizontal AccessThe Platform is a Constant Height Above the FloorCeiling Lighting Fixtures are Surfaced MountedPartitions - hospital_bldg_system0639Figure 720-1. Interface Between Partitions and ServicesThe wet systemsServices - hospital_bldg_system0642Individual Fan-Coil Units.Air VelocityOperating and Maintenance CostsSingle-Duct Air-Handling UnitsReturn/Exhaust SystemsExhaust Shaft to the RoofSpecial Exhaust and Toilet Exhaust: Main DistributionPlumbing - hospital_bldg_system0650Example Building Schematic DesignProgram AnalysisRatio of Gross to NetProgram SummaryProgram Summary (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0655Program Summary (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0656Space Module SelectionFigure 730-1. Typical Nursing Unit, AreasEligible Space ModulesConfiguration Options - hospital_bldg_system0660Figure 730-2. Module Type 6Figure 730-3. Module Type 11Choice of ConfigurationDesign DescriptionFigure 730-4. Gross Space AllocationFire Sections - hospital_bldg_system0666RelationshipsFigure 730-5. Building ConfigurationLevel 2Figure 730-6. Level 0Figure 730-7. Level 0Figure 730-8. Level 1Figure 730-9. Level 1Figure 730-10. Level 2Figure 730-11. Level 2Figure 730-12. Level 3Figure 730-13. Level 3Figure 730-14. Level 4Figure 730-15. Level 4Figure 730-16. Site PlanFigure 730-17. SectionsExample Service ModuleServices - hospital_bldg_system0684Main DistributionBranch Distribution - hospital_bldg_system0686Figure 740-1. The Shell PlanFigure 740-2. The Services: PlanFigure 740-3. Subzones: SectionOpening ConfigurationHVC DistributionPlumbing Distribution - hospital_bldg_system0692Electrical Distribution - hospital_bldg_system0693Figure 740-4. Functional Zone: Outpatient and RadiologyFigure 740-5. Service Zone: HVC SubsystemFigure 740-6. Service Zone: Plumbing SubsystemFigure 740-7. Service Zone: Electrical SubsystemAlterationBranch Distribution - hospital_bldg_system0700Figure 740-8. Functional Zone: Radiology DepartmentFigure 740-9. Service Zone: HVC SubsystemFigure 740-10. Service Zone: Plumbing SubsystemFigure 740-11. Service Zone: Electrical SubsystemConclusionModel and Mock-up DemonstrationFigure 740-12. Model: The Service ModuleFigure 740-13. Model: Cross SectionFigure 740-14. Model: HVC SubsystemFigure 740-15. Model: Plumbing SubsystemFigure 740-16. Model: Electrical SubsystemFigure 740-17. Model: Combined ServicesFigure 740-18. Model: Service BayFigure 740-19. Model: Close UpFigure 740-20. Full Size Mock-up of Service ZoneFigure 740-21. Full Size Mock-up of Service ZoneFigure 740-22. Full Size Mock-up of Service ZoneFigure 740-23. Full Size Mock-up of Service ZoneFigure 740-24. Full Size Mock-up of Service ZoneCost and Time AnalysisTable 750-1. Construction Cost Estimate, Example Building Schematic DesignFirst CostFirst Cost (Cont)Building Subsystem Target CostsCeiling - hospital_bldg_system0726Partitions - hospital_bldg_system0727The cost per lineal foot of partitionThe major variables affecting the cost of the partitionsHeating-Ventilating-Cooling - hospital_bldg_system0730Electrical Power Distribution - hospital_bldg_system0731Miscelaneous Cost-Benefit AnalysesAdditional Space Resulting from the Use of a Structural ModuleSimple vs. Complex PerimeterBeams vs. TrussesBeams vs. Trusses (cont)Life Cost - hospital_bldg_system0737Relation of Life Cost to First CostAnalysis of Existing VA HospitalsOperations and Maintenance - hospital_bldg_system0740Major AlterationsTable 750-2. Alteration Cost Estimate, Example Service Module Design, Conventional Design and ConstructionTable 750-3. Alteration Cost Estimate, Example Service Module Design, Building System Prototype DesignTotal Effect on Life CostTime Reduction - hospital_bldg_system0745Advantage sof Phased BiddingImplications of Time ReductionSpecial ProceduresFigure 760-1. Comparative SchedulesPhased BiddingPhased Bidding (Cont)Construction ManagementConstruction Management (cont)Product EvaluationResponsibility of the Construction ManagerProduct DevelopmentPredesign and Competitive BiddingLimited ProgramsA Development Program for a Special Ceiling SystemEstablish ScopeEvaluate DesignsProvide Development AssistanceFigure 760-2. Approximate Schedule for Special Ceiling Development ProgramSystem EvaluationProcessing the DataCeiling Performance SpecificationsSchedule - hospital_bldg_system0768Scope - hospital_bldg_system0769Not Included - hospital_bldg_system0770Design ProposalOther MaterialPriced ProposalPerformance CriteriaRequirementsSurface CharacteristicsAdaptability - hospital_bldg_system0777CompatibilityService ContainersCategories and ManufacturersPrefabricated Bathroom ComponentsFigure 780-1. Service Container Categories 1-3Figure 780-2. Service Container Categories 4-6Ceiling-Hung Integrated Service ContainersPrefabricated Rooms for Specialized EnvironmentsCost Comparison (Example)Figure 780-3. Basis of Cost ComparisonResults of ComparisonBibliography - hospital_bldg_system0789Bibliography (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0790Bibliography (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0791Bibliography (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0792Bibliography (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0793Bibliography (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0794Bibliography (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0795Bibliography (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0796Bibliography (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0797Bibliography (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0798Bibliography (cont) - hospital_bldg_system0799VA Hospital Building System - index