through the ECC.
Locate local alarms away from the animal holding
area and coordinate location with the medical center.
b. In rooms with animal cubicals, temperature sensors should be
c. If the control system has pneumatic thermostats, monitoring should
be done by separate independent electronic sensors.
Note that
each animal holding area or a cubical does not require humidity
Humidity control (winter humidification) for the animal
holding areas is required at the unit level only. Winter
humidification is not required for high moisture generating areas.
2. Hot Water/Steam Control Valves: In the event of any failure of the
heating) valves shall be provided for preheat and reheat coils to
avoid accidental overheating of the animal holding spaces.
3. Ventilation Equipment: All supply and exhaust fans of the animal
research areas shall be monitored at the ECC with an alarm provision
in the event of any fan failure.
1. Animal Research Area: Each room in animal research area shall have
an individual room temperature control.
2. Support Area: The following guidelines shall apply:
a. All corner exterior rooms, with more than one exposure, shall
have individual room temperature control.
b. All conference and class rooms shall have individual room
temperature control.
c. Offices of the directors, assistant directors, and chiefs shall
have individual room temperature control.
d. All corridors shall have individual room temperature control.
Corridors shall not be grouped with occupied areas.
e. Perimeter offices (up to four), on the same exposure, can be
grouped together to form one common room temperature control
f. Interior offices (up to six), based on the architectural
layout, can be grouped together to form one common room
temperature control unit.
g. The interior and exterior spaces shall not be grouped together
rooms on different exposures shall not be grouped together to