1. An all air system shall comprise of a single duct, horizontal,
draw-thru, chilled water (or direct expansion-DX), variable air
volume (VAV) air handling unit complete with fan, filter, and coil
For roof mounted air handling units, fully weatherized,
penthouse configuration with modular sections shall be provided.
For the animal research areas, the air handling units shall have
double wall casings so that the internal insulation does not come
in contact with air stream.
2. Each air handling unit of the support areas shall be equipped with
a return air fan and an economizer capability of providing "free
cooling" during mild outdoor conditions.
3. Each air handling unit shall be equipped with 30% (ASHRAE Test)
efficiency pre-filters; and:
a. 90% - 95% (ASHRAE Test) efficiency after-filters for the animal
research air handling units.
b. 50% - 60% (ASHRAE Test) efficiency after-filters for the
support areas air handling units and make-up air units for H13
fume hoods.
Both, prefilters and afterfilters, can be located back to back
(in one section) on the upstream side of the supply air fan.
4. Supply Air Distribution: The supply air shall be distributed by
ducts, air terminal units, and air outlets.
5. Return Air Distribution (Support Areas Only): The return air from
each space need not be ducted, as the space above the suspended
ceiling can be used as return air plenum. For conference rooms and
for rooms where partition walls extend up to the underside of the
structural ceiling, an acoustically lined "Z" duct shall be used to
pick up return air.
A. SYSTEM FEATURES: The terminal systems shall be used for the perimeter
spaces only.
1. The outside air for ventilation shall be supplied by directly
ducted connections from a 100% outside air, central air handling
The unit shall have the same quality of filtration as the
2. If the building has limited interior spaces, ventilation air, with
a suitable temperature control, can be used to cool these spaces
as well.
3. A ducted general exhaust air system shall be provided to pick up
exhaust air from toilets, janitor closets, and soiled storage