will need them for reference between reviews and to check shop
samples during construction.
Provide the following information on each sample
Title Block:
Name of project;
Building number;
Location of project;
Project number;
Title of submission;
Name of A/E/interior design firm;
Dept. of Veterans Affairs' name and logo;
Date of Submission; and
Number each board and relate it to the total number of
boards on the project: i.e., 1 of 5.
Product Samples:
Organize the finish and material samples on the boards by
floor levels to clearly convey the design intent. Place
exterior materials on a separate board.
Apply an actual sample of all interior and exterior
materials, finishes and paints specified on the project.
Assign a color and material code to all samples.
Securely adhere all samples with a strong adhesive and/or
double sided foam tape.
Sample Boards:
Use mat board, foam core or any other suitable lightweight
Wrap all sample boards with a heavy gauge acetate.
Completely wrap each board with at least a three inch
overlap of acetate wrapped to the back of the board.
Secure with tape on all sides.
Board Size should not exceed 30" X 40" [760mm x 1020mm].
Use a white board. Backer boards of other colors may be
used for bordering. Do not use frames.
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