d. Two weeks (14 calendar days) prior to starting work in any
phase the contractor shall notify the R/E, in writing, of date he
plans to complete the preceding phase. In no case will be
contractor begin work in any phase without obtaining written
approval from the R/E.
e. The sequence of work and durations as shown on the phasing
diagram on Drawing CPM-___ are contractual and the contractor must
complete all in each phase with the VA inspecting and accepting
the work, prior to the contractor proceeding to the next scheduled
f. The sample CPM Network Drawings CPM-1 is for the contractor's
information. The sample network indicates the level of detail and
technique which will be required on the contractor's network and
described in the NAS Section of the Specifications. The CPM notes
and legend on Drawing CPM-1 are contractual.
JOINT OCCUPANCY - Those area(s) designated as being jointly
occupied means that the contractor will be able to complete the
work necessary in the building(s), room(s), or area(s) designated
in particular phase, while remaining occupied by the VA personnel
and/or patients. The contractor shall, in all jointly occupied
area(s), protect VA personnel/patients and existing equipment from
the hazards of dust, materials, tools, etc., associated with a
construction environment. The contractor shall keep these jointly
occupied area(s) clear, clean, and free of loose debris,
create a safety hazard or interfere with VA personnel or patients.
The contractor will pay particular attention to leaving these
jointly occupied area(s) clean at the end of each work shift.
VACATED AREA(S) - Those area(s) designated as being vacated
area(s) means that the contractor will be able to complete the
work necessary in the building(s), room(s), or area(s) designated
in a particular phase, without the presence of VA personnel and/or
patients. In equipment from the hazards of dust, materials,
tools, etc., associated with a construction environment; however,
the contractor will be required to observe any restraint(s)
outlined under the "Special Phasing Requirements", section 01010,
of the Contract Specifications.
ROOM BY ROOM BASIS - Those area (s) designated as being completed
on a room by room basis means that the contractor will be allowed
to complete the work necessary in that room, whether the
particular room is a 'jointly occupied area' or a 'vacated area',
and that all work in that particular room must be completed in
full and accepted by the VA prior to starting work in another room
so designated in that particular phase. The contractor will
observe those phasing restraint(s) outlined and pertaining to