May 2006
comprehensive Physical Security Design Standards based on the approved
Physical Security Strategies Report. Final drafts of these standards are
expected by the end of 2006.
4. VA Policy for New and Renovation Construction: The Physical
Security Strategies Report was approved by the Secretary on April 18, 2006.
Projects are to be designed to comply with the Physical Security Strategies
Report. The Physical Security Strategies Report contains sensitive security
information and is for Government Use Only. No part of the document may
be released without the permission of the Department of Veterans Affairs
5. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Copies will be provided to
appropriate officials after providing FM a signed confidentiality certificate.
Please contact Kurt Knight, Director of Facilities Quality Service at (202) 565-
4980, or Fred Lau at (202) 565-6681 for copies of the Physical Security
Strategies Report and Confidentiality Certificate.