April 2001
a. Size main chilled water and condenser water lines for future loads.
b. Design chillers and chilled water pumps for original loads in accordance with HVAC design
manuals. Indicate locations for future chillers and chilled water pumps on design development
and construction drawings.
c. Provide pipe fittings and valves for connections to future chillers, pumps, and accessories.
d. Size cooling towers to match originally installed chillers. Indicate locations for future
cooling towers on design development and construction drawings.
e. Provide sufficient capacity for engineering control center panels to accommodate controls
for future equipment.
f. Size main steam and condensate return lines for future loads. Use diversity factors
applicable to future conditions.
g. Size boilers for original plus known future loads in accordance with the Steam Generation
Design Manual. Indicate locations for future boilers and related equipment on design
development and construction drawings. Size fuel, condensate and feedwater piping system, and
condensate storage tanks for probable future maximum design-day demands. Size deaerating
feed water heaters for future loads. (Do not size pumps and control valves for future; add
additional capacity later.)
h. Size natural draft stacks for future loads.
a. To serve future expansion, allow space in main electrical rooms for addition of future
equipment for following systems:
(1) Secondary power distribution system.
(2) Essential electrical system.
(3) Local fire alarm system.
(4) Telephone system.
(5) Other communication systems.
b. Where feeder raceways cannot be readily installed in the future, install empty raceway in
original design.