May 2006
a. General. Bind all drawings into sets and identify drawing classification, relative order of
issue, amendment, and change order by symbols placed on drawing title blocks as described
Cover sheet (include Index to Drawings on small projects)
Index to Drawings start with ........................................................................................ GI
Critical Path Method start with ................................................................................... GC
Site Development start with ........................................................................................ GS
Sub-Surface Investigation start with .............................................................................BI
Asbestos Removal start with ....................................................................................... HA
Architectural* start with .............................................................................................. AS
Architectural Miscellaneous Detail drawings for single building projects
shall follow numbers for architectural drawings. Architectural Miscellaneous
Detail drawings start with (on projects of two or more buildings) .......................... AS
Plumbing start with ...................................................................................................... PL
Sanitary start with........................................................................................................ CU
Structural start with ...................................................................................................... SS
Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration start with........................ MH
Steam Generation start with ........................................................................................MP
Outside Steam Distribution start with .........................................................................MS
Electrical start with....................................................................................................... ES
Fire Protection start with ............................................................................................. FA
NOTE: Normally Equipment Drawings are shown as part of the Architectural set.
(1) Building number shall precede the classification identification (Building No. 20 as
example) 20-BI 1, 20-GS 1, 20-AS 1, 20-SS 1. When a drawing reflects work that is associated
with several buildings or the station in general, such as details sheets and exterior utility
distributions systems, no building number will precede the symbol which identifies the
(2) Number the drawings in sequence within each classification, for example 1-SS 1, first
structural sheet Building No. 1; 1-SS 2, second structural sheet, etc. Directly below the drawing
number, show the position within the series that each drawing occupies, for example, sheet 1 of
30 (structural sheets), sheet 2 of 30 (structural sheets), etc.
(3) Drawings for each new project shall begin with number one. Distinguish the drawings by
their project titles and dates.
(4) The preferred method for classifying drawings is by identification of technical information
shown on drawing, for example, Architectural or Electrical. However, an exception is made
when one design discipline has limited work. Show this limited work on a drawing with another
classification. The drawing number shall show the symbol for the major work classification;