Network Directors (IONI-10N22)
4. If your Network has an in-house Safety and Fire Protection Engineer (SFPE) on your staff, these
individuals are fully qualified to review design and construction which is affected by fire codes and
standards. VA policy in MP-3, Part Ill, Safety, Occupational Health and Fire Protection, required previous
VHA field organizations to use an in-house SFPE to conduct these reviews of all design and construction.
If your network does not have qualified in-house resources, we recommend that a private sector fire
protection engineering firm be retained to conduct these reviews. In the near future, we anticipate the
availability of a contract for this service via the Service Support Center.
5. The point of contact on this matter is Kenneth Faulstich in the Engineering Management and Field
Support Office (IONS). He can be contacted at (202) 273-5869 or electronically at
Jule D. Moravec, Ph.D.