Date: DEC 20 2002
From: Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Operations and Management (1ON)
Subj: Fire Code Compliance for Enhanced Use Projects
Network Directors (1ONO1-10N23)
1. Network Directors have the responsibility to ensure that all enhanced use
projects in their VISN meet all applicable VA fire code requirements. Each
Network shall ensure that local network policy for fire code plan review
compliance for all delegated construction projects is revised to Include
enhanced use projects as needed. Each VISN was required to Issue their local
policy in accordance with instructions published in 1996. These policies shall
provide the procedures for ensuring a plan review for fire code compliance by
qualified individuals.
2. VA serves as its own Authority Having Jurisdiction (AI-IJ) for fire and
building code compliance on our own Federal Government property since local
fire and building officials do not have jurisdiction. Enhanced use projects on VA
sites are not generally subject to local fire and building jurisdiction and fire and
building reviews or inspections likely would not be conducted. Like other
federal agencies with real property and construction authority, VA acts as its
own fire code and building official. Responsibility for minimal fire code
compliance lies with VA officials. Criteria from the VA Fire Protection Design
Manual may be applied as needed to these projects.
3. It is imperative that knowledgeable VA staff review these enhanced use
projects for fire code compliance. It is recommended that in those VISNs with a
safety and fire protection engineer that these individuals perform the plan
reviews in consultation with the individual medical facility. These professionals
are qualified to perform these reviews. If other individuals are used to perform
these reviews, those individuals must be knowledgeable with the NFPA
National Fire Codes.
4. My point of contact is Kenneth Faulstich. He can be reached at
Laura J. Miller
MAR 1989