words "Contaminated Air" (or a similar warning) on ducts leading to the filter housing.
10. Install lower efficiency pre-filters upstream to extend useful life of the HEPA filters. A disposable
filter can increase the life of HEPA filters by 25%. If the disposable filter is followed by a 90% filter,
the life of the HEPA filters can be extended almost 900%. However, this would increase the pressure
drop significantly for fan selection and operation. These pre-filters should be handled and disposed of
in the same manner as the HEPA filters.
11. Install state-of-the-art bag-in/bag-out type HEPA filtration system mentioned in VA Master
specification Section 15885 `Air Filters' located in the Technical Information Library (TIL) at
12. Provide bracing for filter bank in seismic areas.
REFERENCE: CDC `Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-
Care Facilities, MMWR 1994.
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Contact Satish Sehgal at 202-565-5032, Facilities Quality Service (181A).
13 April 2004