2. Access to BSL3 laboratory shall be through two sets of self-closing doors. This
can be accomplished by:
a. Moving from the access corridor through the door of a BSL2
laboratory, then through the door of a BSL3 laboratory;
b. Moving through an Ante room ( which can also provide space for
changing, hand washing etc.);
c. Or other two-door arrangement.
Note that a true "airlock" is not required. Access through two doors emphasizes
that a person is entering a restricted area, that special practices and procedures
are needed.
3. All interior surfaces shall be water resistant and easily cleanable. All
penetrations shall be thoroughly sealed to facilitate decontamination. Walls may
be concrete masonry units at least 6 inches thick with a veneer plaster coating or
steel studs with gypsum board and veneer plaster skim coat. Finish of walls shall
be a special coating of high glazed paint. Ceilings shall be either plaster or
gypsum wall board with veneer plaster skim coat and shall have a special coating
of high glazed paint. Preferred finish of floors and bases is welded sheet vinyl.
4. Each laboratory shall contain a sink for hand washing. The sink shall be a P-
418 fixture electronic sensor controlled located near the laboratory exit door. P-
418 fixtures are described in the VA Master Construction Specifications section
15450 "Plumbing Fixtures and Trim". A paper towel and soap dispenser should be
at each lavatory.
5. All air supplied to the laboratory room must be exhausted and ducted to
outside. Recirculation of air is not permitted in the laboratory or other spaces. Any
general exhaust from the laboratory need not be filtered, but must be ducted to
6. Provide a dedicated High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filtered exhaust air
from class II or class III biological safety cabinets directly to the outside. Note that
class II types A, B1 and B3 cabinets require two sets of HEPA filters, one internally
mounted for recirculation of air within the cabinets, and the other externally
mounted for exhausting remaining air. Class II type B2 and class III cabinets
require 100 percent exhaust through HEPA filters mounted externally to the
7. Maintain negative pressure in the laboratory. This shall be monitored daily with
a visual indicator.
8. Minimum air changes per hour for laboratory shall be 12.
9. Biological Safety Cabinet hood exhaust shall be on emergency power.