Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (Chapter 410)
Washington, DC 20420
February 2007
accommodated in individual departments (chapters) Most Certain departments
include programming of LLTS within each chapter. These facilities should not be
PROGRAM DATA REQUIRED (Input Data Questions)
A. Staffing Input Data Statements
1. How many FTE positions making use of a centralized locker room, lounge and
toilets are authorized?
B. Miscellaneous Input Data Statements
1. What is the projected FTE male / female ratio? (Misc)
A. Locker Areas
1. Locker Room (XXYYZ).............................................................. 6 NSF (0.5 NSM)
Minimum NSF per FTE accounted for in this chapter, and who do not have
assigned office or cubicle space. Provide two, one for male and one for female.
Apportion the total area based on estimated male / female FTE ratio on a per-
project basis.
Staff lockers are generally provided at the departmental level. Do not duplicate
2. Vestibule, Locker Room (XXYYZ) ........................................... 30 NSF (2.8 NSM)
Provide one per each male and female Locker Room.
B. Lounge Areas
1. Lounge, Staff (XXYYZ) ....................................................... 120 NSF ( 11.2 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide one per central locker room. Provide an additional 60
NSF for each whole increment of five FTE positions authorized to utilize a
centralized locker room greater than ten.
C. Toilet and Shower Areas
1. Toilet and Shower ................................................................... 80 NSF (7.4 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide two, one for male and one for female. See Table 1 below
to calculate NSF
EMS Lockers, Lounges, Toilets, and Showers (Chapter 410): Page 4of 7