Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (Chapter 400)
Washington, DC 20420
February 2007
Number of FTE Clinic Support Staff - includes all technicians, social workers,
psychologists, vocational/rehabilitation counselors, LPN/LVN/nursing assistants,
audiologists/ speech pathologists, PhDs, pharmacists, rehabilitation therapists
and assistants. Also included are secretarial/clerical personnel assigned to those
services/ activities which provide direct patient care.
Number of Students and Trainees Based on MTOT (Maximum of Students /
Trainees Typically on Duty at Any One Time).
Number of FTE Administrative Support Staff - includes service chiefs, assistant
chiefs, administrative assistants, management analysts, secretaries, and clerks
assigned to services which do not provide direct patient care.
See Table 1: Health Care Delivery / Support staff levels (HCD/S staff levels) in Section 3
for calculation methodology.
F. Health Science Library: A space used primarily by physicians, dentists, dietitians,
nurses, residents, and interns, and to a lesser degree by clinical support staff, students,
trainees and administrative support staff to access authoritative information with which to
make clinical and administrative decisions.
G. Input Data Statement: A set of questions designed to elicit information about the
healthcare project in order to create a Program for Design (PFD) based on the criteria
parameters set forth in this document. Input Data Statements could be Mission related,
based in the project's Concept of Operations; and Workload or Staffing related, based on
projections and data provided by the VHA or the VISN about the estimated model of
operation. This information is processed through mathematical and logical operations in
H. MTOT: Maximum of Staff/Students/Trainees Typically on Duty at Any One Time.
Patient Education Resource Center (PERC). A space used by patients, their families,
and health care facility staff to access consumer health information. If the PERC is
managed by Services other than Library, there should be a strong liaison/coordination
between the PERC and Library Service.
J. Patient Library: A facility that provides therapeutic recreational and educational materials
to patients and their families and may also be used by facility staff for personal growth
and development.
K. Program for Design (PFD): A space program based on criteria set forth in this document
and specific information about Concept of Operations, workload projections and staffing
levels authorized.
L. Basic Shelving: Basic (reference) shelving is double-faced stack section for current and
bound, microfilm, monographs, reference collections, and audio/visual software
M. SEPS (VA-SEPS): Acronym for Space and Equipment Planning System, a digital tool
developed by the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Veterans Affairs
to generate a Program for Design (PFD) and an Equipment List for a VA healthcare
project based on specific information entered in response to Input Data Questions. VA-
Library Service (Chapter 400): Page 3 of 13