Department of Veterans Affairs
Space Planning Criteria (Chapter 290)
Washington, DC 20420
February 2007
organizations that provide direct, essential services to hospitalized/outpatient
veterans and their dependents on a regular basis.
2. The amount and type of space required by unpaid reps of service organizations is
dependent on the number of service organizations represented on the VAVS
Advisory Committee for medical center
Volunteer Multipurpose Workroom space is based in field visits and survey data
demonstrating the types of activities and number of volunteers utilizing the space
during peak intervals.
G Storage space is based on field visits and survey data demonstrating the types and
quantity of items stored by Voluntary Service and unpaid reps of service
PROGRAM DATA REQUIRED (Input Data Questions)
A Mission Input Data Statements
1 Is this facility a medical center? (M)
2 How many VAVS Organizations are represented on the VAVS Hospital Advisory
Committee? (M)
3 Does Voluntary Service or a VAVS Organization supervise and administrate the
hospital-wide transportation of patients and delivery of messages, lab specimens,
etc.? (M)
4 Is Space for an Escort/Messenger Service Area provided for in Chapter 262,
Ambulatory Care? (M)
5 Is Voluntary Service authorized to conduct PR on behalf of the facility? (M)
6 Is "coffee program" authorized? (M)
7 Is an additional Volunteer Sign-in Area authorized? (M)
B Workload Input Data Statements
1 How many annual volunteer hours are projected? (W)
C Staffing Input Data Statements
How many Assistant Chief FTE positions are authorized? (S)
How many Voluntary Service Officer FTE positions are authorized? (S)
How many additional Clerk/Secretary FTE positions are authorized? (S)
How many Budget Analyst FTE positions are authorized? (S)
How many Auditor FTE positions are authorized? (S)
How many Clerical FTE positions are authorized? (S)
How many Technical FTE positions are authorized? (S)
How many additional Voluntary Service Sign-in Areas are authorized beyond
those located in the Fiscal Service Suite and at the Main Entrance Lobby? (S)
D Miscellaneous Input Data Statements
How many FTE positions for which office space is not provided are authorized?
Is Voluntary Service to be located next to Recreation Service? (Misc)
Voluntary Service (Chapter 290): Page 4 of 9