Department Of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (Chapter 285)
Washington, D.C. 20402
February 2007
PROGRAM DATA REQUIRED (Input Data Questions)
A. Mission Input Data Statements
1. Is an SPD operation authorized? (M)
2. Is a multi-divisional medical center authorized? (M)
3. Is SPD to support any outside or off campus facilities authorized? (M)
4. Is reprocessing scopes in SPD authorized? (M)
5. Is a surgical case cart system authorized? (M)
6. Is a semi-automated or automated cart transport system authorized? (M)
7. Is ETO (Ethylene Oxide) sterilization Authorized? (M)
8. Is a mini-stores operation authorized? (M)
9. Is inspection and preparation of surgical packs within the hospital authorized? (M)
(For alternative see EMS- Laundry/Linen-Chapter 408)
10. Is a conference training room for the department authorized? (M)
11. Is an OB service authorized? (M)
12. Is an Assistant Chief authorized? (M)
B. Workload input Data Statements
1. How many Medical Surgical beds are projected? (W)
2. How many MICU beds are projected? (W)
3. How many SICU beds are projected? (W)
4. How many CCU beds are projected? (W)
5. How many SCI beds are projected? (W)
6. How many Mental Health beds are projected? (W)
7. How many Nursing Home beds are projected? (W)
8. How many CCU beds are projected? (W)
9. How many daily Surgical Cases are projected? (W)
10. How many annual Outpatient Visits are projected? (W)
11. How many Washer Decontaminators are authorized? (W)
12. How many Case Carts are projected? (W)
13. How many ORs are authorized? (W)
C. Staffing Input Data Statements
1. How many total FTE staff members, minus FTEs in Soiled Receiving and
Decontamination Area are authorized? (S)
2. How many FTE staff members are in the Soiled Receiving and Decontamination
Area? (S)
A. Soiled Areas
1. Soiled Transition Room (XXXXX) ....................................... 160 NSF (14.8 NSM)
Provide one per SPD.
2. Decontamination (XXXXX) ..................................................... 800 NSF (93 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide an additional 10 NSF per each Case Cart projected, and
an additional 30 NSF per each Washer Decontaminator authorized. Maximum
2,000 NSF.
Includes soiled cart unloading zone, work stations, access to washer
decontaminators, cart washer, ultrasonic washer, hand washing stations.
Supply Processing and Distribution (Chapter 285): Page: 4 of 10