Department Of Veterans Affairs
VA Handbook 7610 (277)
Washington, DC 20420
June, 2006
control and patient administration functions to permit convenient patient circulation to
dressing rooms, examination rooms and diagnostic / treatment rooms.
Minimize travel distance from main patient entrance to Radiation Therapy Service
Most outpatients are typically accompanied by at least one family member or visitor
who will also require waiting space. Patient Stretcher Holding Bay should be co-
located with the Sub-Waiting area and Reception, and visual separation should be
provided to ensure patient privacy and dignity.
M. Examination rooms should be located adjacent to the dressing rooms. They are
used to evaluate patients on initial consultation, to examine patients during treatment
and to see patients after the completion of therapy.
N. Dressing room may be utilized as a gowned patient holding area for patients waiting
to enter a treatment or examination area.
O. The Linear Accelerator Room requires shielding to protect surrounding areas from
radiation generated by the equipment. If an entrance maze is required it should be
designed to minimize shielding while providing convenient access of a stretcher and
equipment to the treatment room.
Control Area for the Linear Accelerator Room may be located in an alcove off the
staff circulation corridor.
Q. Patient Stretcher Holding Bay houses a hyperthermia system and may require RF
R. Refer to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Office of Facilities Management
Handbooks, Standards, Standard Details, and Design Guides for technical criteria.
Radiation Therapy Service (Chapter 277): Page 14 of 17