Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Handbook 7610 (276)
Washington, DC 20420
June 2006
Mammography: A modality utilizing ionic radiation along with single emulsion film and
extended processing for breast examinations.
Net-to-department gross factor (NTDG): This number, when multiplied by the
programmed net square foot (NSF) area, determines the departmental gross square
feet (DGSF) The NTDG factor adopted for Radiology is 1.60.
Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS): The digital capture, transfer
and storage of diagnostic images. A PACS system consists of workstations for
interpretation, image/data producing modalities, a web server for distribution, printers
for file records, image servers for information transfer and holding, and an archive of
off-line information. A computer network is needed to support each of these devices.
Procedure / Suite Stop: A procedure/suite stop is one encounter of a patient with a
healthcare provider. Per these criteria, the procedure/suite stop is the workload unit of
measure for space planning. One individual patient can have multiple procedure/suite
stops in a single visit or in one day.
Program for Design (PFD): A space program based on criteria set forth in this
document and specific information about Concept of Operations, Workload projections
and Staffing levels authorized.
image-recording medium has been film. The industry has moved to a digital image
format since the mid 90's. The image is recorded in digital format. This digital image
can also be stored on film. The VA is presently converting to digital imaging with film
being utilized as a back-up system. However, some film based services do remain
within the VA system.
Radiographic / Fluoroscopic Room: A room containing a radiographic/fluoroscopic
system that produces either still photographic records or real-time images of internal
body structures. Most fluoroscopy procedures are performed early in the day because
of fasting requirements. After most fluoroscopy procedures have been completed, this
room can be used as a general purpose room.
Room Efficiency Factor: A factor that provides flexibility in the utilization of a room to
account for patient delays, scheduling conflicts, and equipment maintenance. A room
with an 80% room efficiency provides a buffer to assume that this room would be
available 20% of the time beyond the planned operational practices of the room. This
factor may be adjusted based on the actual and/or anticipated operations and
processes of the room/department.
Stereotactic Mammography: Imaging of the breast from two slightly angled directions
in order to identify a path to help guide a needle for breast biopsy. The procedure may
be performed upright or with the patient lying face down. Several stereotactic pairs of
X-ray images are made. Small samples of tissue are then removed from the breast
using a hollow core needle or vacuum-assisted biopsy device that is precisely guided
to the correct location using X-ray imaging and computer coordinates.
SEPS (VA_SEPS): Acronym for Space and Equipment Planning System, a digital tool
developed by the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Veterans
Radiology Service (Chapter 276): Page 4 of 28