Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (265)
Washington, DC 20420
June 2006
Minimum NSF; for up to two Physical Therapists. Provide an additional 100 NSF
if total number of FTE Physical Therapist positions authorized is between 3 and
6. Maximum 200 NSF.
b. PT: Whirlpool Area (PTEW1) ......................................... 150 NSF (13.9 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide none if total number of projected annual Physical
Therapy clinic stops is less than 5,000. Provide one if total number of projected
annual Physical Therapy clinic stops is between 5,000 and 7,500. Provide an
additional 30 NSF if total number of projected annual Physical Therapy clinic
stops is between 7,500 and 15,000. Provide an additional 90 NSF if total number
of projected annual Physical Therapy clinic stops is greater than 15,000.
c. PT: Patient Toilet, Wheelchair (TLTU1) ............................ 50 NSF (4.7 NSM)
Provide one per Physical Therapy.
d. PT: Treatment Exercise Area (PTES1) ........................ 1000 NSF (93.0 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide an additional 100 NSF for each 2,000 or fraction
thereof.annual Physical Therapy clinic stops projected greater than 9,000.
e. PT: Storage, Equipment (SRE01)...................................... 75 NSF (7.0 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide an additional 5 NSF for each additional 2,000 or fraction
thereof. annual Physical Therapy clinic stops projected greater than 9,000.
PT: Clean Utility Area (UCCL1) ....................................... 100 NSF (9.3 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide an additional 5 NSF for each additional 5, 000 or fraction
thereof. annual Physical Therapy clinic stops projected greater than 7,500.
g. PT: Dressing Room (DR001) ............................................. 35 NSF (3.3 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide two additional rooms for each whole increment of 5,000
annual Physical Therapy clinic stops projected greater than 7,500.
h. PT: Waiting Area (WRC01) .............................................. 60 NSF (5.52 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide an additional 55 NSF for each 2,000 annual Physical
Therapy clinic stops projected greater than 9,000, or fraction thereof.
Electromyography (EMG)
PT: Electromyography Room (EMG) (PTEM1) ............ 150 NSF (13.9 NSM)
Provide one if in Concept of Operations.
Occupational Therapy (OT):
Do not duplicate OT space when it is provided in the Day Treatment Center. OT
space is provided only when 2,500 or more annual OT clinic stops are planned.
OT Clinic Office (OFA01) ............................................... 120 NSF (11.1 NSM)
Provide one per Occupational Therapy and if in Concept of Operations.
k. OT Treatment Clinic (OTGC1) ....................................... 600 NSF (55.7 NSM)
Outpatient Clinic (Chapter 265): Page 48 of 65