Department Of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (Chapter 260)
Washington, DC 20420
December 2006
2. Treatment Room (TRGM1) ...................................................160 NSF (14.9 NSM)
Minimum one for up to four Exam Rooms. Provide one additional Treatment
Room per each additional whole increment of four Exam Rooms.
3. Group Therapy Room (OPMH1) ..........................................300 NSF (27.9 NSM)
Provide one if the projected number of annual Mental Health Clinic stops is less
than 6,000. Provide two if the projected number of annual Mental Health Clinic
stops is between 6,000 and 21,000. Provide three if the projected number of
annual Mental Health Clinic stops is between 21, 000 and 36,000. Provide four if
the projected number of annual Mental Health Clinic stops is greater than 36,000.
Group Room sized to accommodate up to 12 patients and is used for patient
activities and counseling. Freedom of movement during sessions is an integral
part of the treatment. These rooms also serve as education space for patients
and staff and accommodate staff conferences, treatment team meetings and large
family therapy sessions.
4. Biofeedback Laboratory
Provide Biofeedback laboratory spaces only if not provided in Psychology Service
(Chapter 272) or Day Treatment Center (Chapter 261).
Biofeedback Laboratory
Treatment Room (OPMH3) .............................................140 NSF (13.1 NSM)
Provide one if in Concept of Operations.
The Biofeedback Laboratory Treatment Room accommodates a large
relaxation-inducing lounge recliner and biofeedback equipment such as EMG
units, temperature units, electrodermal units, automated sphygmomanometer,
Biofeedback Laboratory
Control Room / Office (CMP02) .......................................100 NSF (9.3 NSM)
Provide one if in Concept of Operations.
Room is equipped with one-way viewing capability and used as a teaching
5. Toilet, Patient (TLTU1) .............................................................50 NSF (4.7 NSM)
Minimum for up to 10 Exam Rooms Treatment Rooms and Counseling Offices..
Provide one additional for Male and one additional Female per each additional
whole increment of 10 Exam Rooms, Treatment Rooms, and Counseling Offices.
C. Staff and Administrative Areas
1. Office, Chief (OFC01) ..........................................................150 NSF (14.0 NSM)
Provide one per Mental Health Clinic.
Mental Health Clinic (Chapter 260): Page 260-6 of 9