Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Handbook 7610 (252)
Washington, DC 20420
June , 2006
A. This document outlines space planning criteria for VA Handbook 7610 Chapter 252:
Nuclear Medicine Service. It applies to all medical facilities at the Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA).
B. Nuclear Medicine Service includes Positron Emission Tomography (PET) services,
Bioassay Unit (Radioinmmunoassay) for inpatients and outpatients and is an ancillary
department for the entire hospital facility.
Concept of Operations: A user-developed guide to the functional operation of the VA
healthcare facility. It defines the function of the facility and the scope of medical
services to be provided in the new or remodeled space.
Diagnostic Room: Designated room containing diagnostic equipment performing
patient procedures such as Nuclear Medicine, Bone Densitometry, PET/CT. It may
also be referred to as Scanning Room, Procedure Room, or Gantry
C. Functional Area: The grouping of rooms and spaces based on their function within a
clinical service. Typical Functional Areas are Reception Areas, Patient Areas,
Support Areas, Staff and Administrative Areas, and Residency Program.
"Hot": A colloquial term used to describe the presence of measurable radioactivity.
In addition to the nature of the radioactive material itself, the distance from the
radiomaterial and the time of exposure are important. To keep exposure to
radiomaterial to doses that are "as low as reasonably achievable" (ALARA), special
waiting / holding area and toilets are designated for patients who have received a
radioactive substance.
"Hot Lab" / Radiopharmacy: Area for storage, preparation and dispensing of
radiopharmaceuticals. It must be secured and provided with adequate shielding. The
amount of shielding is determined by a health physicist or radiation safety officer
(RSO), depending upon the anticipated usage of specific radiomaterials.
Input Data Statement: A set of questions designed to elicit information about the
healthcare project in order to create a Program for Design (PFD) based on the
criteria parameters set forth in this document. Input Data Statements could be
Mission related, based in the project's Concept of Operations; and Workload or
Staffing related, based on projections and data provided by the VHA or the VISN
about the estimated model of operation. This information is processed through
mathematical and logical operations in SEPS II.
G. Net-to-department gross factor (NTDG): A factor that when multiplied by the
programmed Net Square Foot (NSF) area, determines the Departmental Gross
Square Feet (DGSF). The NTDG factor adopted for Nuclear Medicine Service is
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