Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (Chapter 238)
Washington, DC 20420
February 2007
8. Workroom (XXYYC) ...............................................................100 NSF (9.3 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide an additional 10 NSF per Administrative Assistant,
Management Specialist and Special Assistant FTE position authorized.
This area accommodates active file storage, office machines, work tables, etc
9. Toilet, Staff (TLTU1) .................................................................50 NSF (4.7 NSM)
Divide the total FTE positions authorized by 15. Provide one toilet for each whole
increment. Minimum of 5 authorized FTE positions to provide a toilet.
The above provides programming of Lounge, Lockers, and Toilets at
department/service/chapter level. Otherwise, sum all departments/services data
for Lockers, Lounges and Toilets, and program space in Chapter 410-EMS
Lockers, Lounges, Toilets and Showers. Either/or do not duplicate space.
10. Office, Trainees (OFAXX) .................................................... 120 NSF (11.2 NSM)
Provide one if the total number of programs authorized is two. Provide an
additional 30 NSF if three programs are authorized. Provide an additional 150
NSF if four programs are authorized.
11. Conference / Classroom (CRA01) ...................................... 400 NSF (37.2 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide an additional 100 NSF if number of projected patient
beds is between 500 and 799. Provide an additional 100 NSF if number of
projected patient beds is 800 or greater.
C. Support Areas
1. Housekeeping Aids Closet-HAC (JANC1) ..............................40 NSF (3.8 NSM)
Provide one per Medical Director Suite.
2. Kitchenette (XXXXX) ................................................................80 NSF (7.5 NSM)
Provide one per Medical Director Suite.
Departmental net-to-gross (DNTG) for Medical Center Director Suite is 1.30. This
number when multiplied by the programmed Net Square Foot (NSF) area
determines the Departmental Gross Square Feet (DGSF).
The offices for Management Analyst/Special Assistants and Administrative
Assistants may be shared space, either with each other or with clerks/administrative
aids assigned to their area of responsibility.
Medical Center Director Suite (Chapter 238): Page 5 of 7