Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (Chapter 233)
Washington, DC 20420
November 2006
12. Low Vision / Poly-Trauma Training Room (EYOT2) ......... 400 NSF (37.2 NSM)
Provide one if Intermediate or Poly-trauma Facility Vision Rehabilitation Services
are authorized.
The Low Vision / Poly-Trauma Training Room is used to provide vision
rehabilitation care. Patient education and eye care counseling sessions are
conducted so that patients can learn how to use prescribed low vision and other
aids in order to perform everyday skills, activities of daily living, and to improve
their overall functional independence. If Advanced, VICTORS, Poly-trauma
Rehabilitation Network Site or Poly-trauma Rehabilitation Center Vision
Rehabilitation Services are authorized, two rooms are recommended.
13. Low Vision Examination /
Training / Storage Room (EYOT2)....................................... 180 NSF (16.8 NSM)
Provide one per Eye Clinic. Not for Poly-trauma Rehabilitation Center, unless Low
Vision Services are provided.
The Low Vision Examination / Training Room is used for the examination of low
vision patients, storage of low vision devices, and for minor training and education
for adult daily living skills.
14. Patient Education /
Contact Lens Dispensing Room (XXYYZ) ......................... 130 NSF (12.1 NSM)
Provide one per Eye Clinic and if in Concept of Operations.
The Patient Education / Contact Lens Dispensing Room is used to educate
patients about their eye diseases and vision conditions, instruct them on the
proper use and instillation of eye medications, provide training in the insertion and
removal of contact lenses, and dispense contact lenses.
C. Support Areas
1. Clean Supply Room (UCCL1) ................................................. 80 NSF (7.4 NSM)
Provide one per Eye Clinic.
The Clean Supply Room provides storage for medical supplies used in the
delivery of patient care. It should be accessible from the corridor and located
near the Eye Procedure Room.
2. Soiled Utility Room (USCL1) .................................................. 80 NSF (7.5 NSM)
Provide one per Eye Clinic.
The Soiled Utility Room provides an area for cleanup of equipment, utensils, and
for disposal of waste material. It provides a temporary holding area for material
that will be picked up by Supply, Processing, and Distribution (SPD). It should be
accessible from the main corridor and located near the Eye Procedure Room.
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