Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (Chapter 226)
Washington, DC 20420
February 2007
Projected Annual Workload
= Number of Exam Rooms
Minimum Workload to Generate One Room
Example: Exam Rooms for Electroencephalography Laboratory based upon
5,000 annual clinic stops workload:
5,000 Projected Annual EEG Clinic Stops
= 3.33
1,500 (Min. Workload to Generate One Room)
Therefore, four Exams Rooms are required to satisfy the outpatient workload.
PROGRAM DATA REQUIRED (Input Data Questions)
A. Mission Input Data Statements
1. Is a Patient Isolation Room authorized? (M)
2. Is Standard Furniture authorized? (M)
B. Staffing Input Data Statements:
How many Physician FTE positions are authorized? (S)
How many Assistant Chief of Service FTE positions are authorized? (S)
Is a Chief Nurse FTE position authorized? (S)
Is a Chief Technician FTE position authorized? (S)
How many Clerical FTE positions are authorized? (S)
C. Workload Input Data Statements:
1. How many annual Electroencephalography Laboratory Outpatient Clinic Stops are
projected? (W)
2. How many Inpatient Medical Beds are projected? (W)
3. How many Inpatient Surgical Beds are projected? (W)
4. How many Inpatient Neurological Beds are projected? (W)
D. Miscellaneous Input Data Statements:
1. How many Negative Pressure (Contagious or Infectious) Isolated Dialysis Rooms
are authorized? (Misc)
2. Are clean and sterile supplies prepackaged and distributed from a Clean Supply
Storage Room? (Misc)
A. Reception Areas
1. Waiting (WRC01) ......................................................................60 NSF (5.6 NSM)
Minimum NSF for up to two Exam Treatment Rooms. Provide an additional 55
NSF per each for each projected Exam / Treatment Room greater than two.
Electroencephalography Laboratory (226): Page 5 of 10