Department Of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (Chapter 104)
Washington, D.C. 20402
March 2007
determined by VACO and upon Veterans Health Administration (VHA) anticipated
medical needs.
D. The requirements for the majority of FTE positions cited in these criteria are defined
in VHA Handbook 1176.1
E. The total number of Acute Care Beds are determined by the VACO SCI/D Program
Office based on CARES modeling of SCI/D projected needs. (See Section 6-
Planning and Design Considerations for basic rationale.)
F. The total number of Long Term Care Beds are determined by the VACO SCI/D
Program Office based on CARES modeling of SCI/D projected needs. (See Section
6-Planning and Design Considerations for basic rationale.)
G. Basic Room Efficiency Factor for Spinal Cord Injury / Disorders Center is:
1. Acute Care - 85%.
2. Long Term Care 95%
H. The minimum number of patient beds, of all types, to generate one SCI/D Patient
Care Unit is 20. The maximum number of allowable patient beds per SCI/D Nursing
Unit is 30. A typical SCI/D Center has 30 beds.
PROGRAM DATA REQUIRED (Input Data Questions)
A. Mission Input Data Statements:
1. Is a Conference Room authorized for the Residency program? (M)
2. Is a SCI/D Pharmacy authorized? (M)
3. Is an On-Call Bedroom authorized (M)
4. Is an SCI/D Patient Clinic authorized? (M).
5. Is handling of SCI/D Medical Records in this Department authorized? (M)
6. Is a Therapeutic Pool for the SCI/D Patient Therapy authorized? (M)
7. Is an SCI/D Residency Program Authorized? (M)
8. Is an Internet Caf Authorized?
B. Workload Input Data Statements:
1. How many annual SCI/D outpatient visits are projected? (W)
2. How many SCI/D Acute Care Patient Beds are authorized? (W)
3. How many SCI/D Long Term Care Patient Beds are authorized? (W)
C. Staffing Input Data Statements (Ref. VHA Handbook 1176.1) :
1. How many Activities Coordinator FTE positions are authorized? (S)
2. How many Clerical Staff FTE positions are authorized? (S)
3. How many Dietitian FTE positions are authorized? (S)
4. How many Home Care Coordinator FTE positions are authorized? (S)
5. How many Home Care Staff FTE positions are authorized? (S)
6. How many Nurse Supervisor positions are authorized for the SCI/D Acute Care
Patient Care Unit? (S)
7. How many Nurse Supervisor positions are authorized for the SCI/D Long Term
Care Patient Care Unit? (S)
8. How many Physician FTE positions are authorized? (S
9. How many Resident FTE positions are authorized? (S)
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