effective and the associated DUNS Number.
Part II - General Qualifications
information is used to review past performance on Federal
See the "General Instructions" on page 1 for firms with
branch offices. Prepare Part II for the specific branch office
9. Employees by Discipline. Use the relevant disciplines
seeking work if the firm has branch offices.
and associated function codes shown at the end of these
instructions and list in the same numerical order. After the
1. Solicitation Number. If Part II is submitted for a
listed disciplines, write in any additional disciplines and leave
specific contract, insert the agency's solicitation number
the function code blank. List no more than 20 disciplines.
and/or project number, if applicable, exactly as shown in the
Group remaining employees under "Other Employees" in
public announcement or agency request.
column b. Each person can be counted only once according
to his/her primary function. If Part II is prepared for a firm
2a-2e. Firm (or Branch Office) Name and Address.
(including all branch offices), enter the number of employees
by disciplines in column c(1). If Part II is prepared for a
branch office, enter the number of employees by discipline in
3. Year Established. Enter the year the firm (or branch
column c(2) and for the firm in column c(1).
office, if appropriate) was established under the current
10. Profile of Firm's Experience and Annual Average
Revenue for Last 5 Years.
Complete this block for the firm
4. DUNS Number. Insert the Data Universal Numbering
or branch office for which this Part II is prepared. Enter the
System number issued by Dun and Bradstreet Information
experience categories which most accurately reflect the
Services. Firms must have a DUNS number. See FAR Part
firm's technical capabilities and project experience. Use the
relevant experience categories and associated profile codes
shown at the end of these instructions, and list in the same
5. Ownership.
numerical order. After the listed experience categories,
write in any unlisted relevant project experience categories
a. Type. Enter the type of ownership or legal structure
and leave the profile codes blank.
For each type of
of the firm (sole proprietor, partnership, corporation, joint
experience, enter the appropriate revenue index number to
venture, etc.).
reflect the professional services revenues received annually
(averaged over the last 5 years) by the firm or branch office
b. Small Business Status. Refer to the North American
for performing that type of work. A particular project may
Industry Classification System (NAICS) code in the public
be identified with one experience category or it may be
announcement, and indicate if the firm is a small business
broken into components, as best reflects the capabilities and
according to the current size standard for that NAICS code
types of work performed by the firm. However, do not
(for example, Engineering Services (part of NAICS 541330),
double count the revenues received on a particular project.
Architectural Services (NAICS 541310), Surveying and
Mapping Services (NAICS 541370)). The small business
11. Annual Average Professional Services Revenues of
categories and the internet website for the NAICS codes
Firm for Last 3 Years. Complete this block for the firm or
appear in FAR Part 19. Contact the requesting agency for
branch office for which this Part II is prepared. Enter the
any questions. Contact your local U.S. Small Business
appropriate revenue index numbers to reflect the
Administration office for any questions regarding Business
professional services revenues received annually (averaged
over the last 3 years) by the firm or branch office. Indicate
Federal work (performed directly for the Federal
6a-6c. Point of Contact. Provide this information for a
representative of the firm that the agency can contact
subcontractor), non-Federal work (all other domestic and
for additional information. The representative must be
foreign work, including Federally-assisted projects), and the
empowered to speak on contractual and policy matters.
total. If the firm has been in existence for less than 3 years,
see the definition for "Annual Receipts" under FAR 19.101.
7. Name of Firm. Enter the name of the firm if Part II is
prepared for a branch office.
12. Authorized Representative. An authorized represent-
ative of the firm or branch office must sign and date the
8a-8c. Former Firm Names. Indicate any other previous
completed form.
Signing attests that the information
names for the firm (or branch office) during the last six
provided is current and factual. Provide the name and title
years. Insert the year that this corporate name change was
of the authorized representative who signed the form.