IL 18-99-001
October 8, 1999
4. In a memorandum to the AEE dated April 5, 1999, the Under Secretary for Health established
the following environmental goals for VHA:
a. Waste Prevention:
(1) 2000 - 234 million lbs. Generated/.9 million disposal costs.
(2) 2005 - 197 million lbs. Generated/.6 million disposal costs.
(3) 2010 - 148 million lbs. Generated/.2 million disposal costs.
b. Recycling:
(1) 2000 - 32 million lbs. Recycled/3,000 recovered.
(2) 2005 - 36 million lbs. Recycled/0,000 recovered.
(3) 2010 - 43 million lbs. Recycled/1,000 recovered.
c. Acquisition of Recovered Materials:
(1) 2000 - 10% increase in expenditures.
(2) 2005 - 25% increase in expenditures.
(3) 2010 - 40% increase in expenditures.
5. Policy Manual M-1, Part VI, Chapter 14, Waste Management and VHA Program Guide
1850.1, Recycling Program, provide direction and guidance on this issue. Emphasis should be
placed on, but not limited to, purchasing environmentally preferable products and services listed
in the Environmental Protection Agency's "Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG)."
The items listed in the CPG can be accessed through the VA's web site at or at the Internet address For
further information or clarification, please contact Environmental Programs Service (181C) at
(202) 565-8525.
C. V. Yarbrough
Chief Facilities Management Officer
CO: E-mailed 10/12/99
FLD: RD, MA, DO, OC, OCRO and 200 - FAX 10/13/99
EX: Boxes 104, 88, 63, 60, 54, 52, 47, and 44 - FAX 10/13/99