IL 18-98-002
In Reply Refer To: 185
February 19, 1998
1. This information letter provides guidance to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers in
the form of software. The Department of Defense (DOD) has developed a user friendly software
system, The Joint Service Pollution Prevention Opportunity Technical Library Software System ,
for environmental programs. The Environmental Management Programs Office is providing, as a
separate mailing, the complete software set with self-installation instructions to each facility. Facilities
are encouraged to distribute this program to facility Environmental Management and Industrial Hygiene
personnel. The material in this software system will complement the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
(BNA) Healthcare Facilities Guide and the BNA Right-To-Know Planning Guide which are being
provided to each facility by the Environmental Management Programs Office.
2. The Federal Pollution Prevention Act signed into law in November 1990, established Pollution
Prevention (P2) as a national objective. This legislation provided for a variety of environmental
protection and compliance measures by identifying prevention and source reduction as the most
desirable means of achieving pollution abatement. Pollution Prevention guidance for health care and
medical treatment facilities has been historically limited. The enclosed software identifies currently
available P2 technologies, management practices, process changes and Internet sites. The
implementation of these proactive measures will not only enhance regulatory compliance but may also
result in substantial cost savings to your medical center by reducing the amount of hazardous and solid
waste generated at your facility. Minimum hardware/software requirements for installing the program on
an IBM-compatible PC are as follows: (1) MS Windows 3.1 or higher; (2) 386 or faster CPU; (3) 12
megabytes of RAM; (4) 3.5 inch high density disk drive for installation,and (5) 6 megabytes hard
disk space.
3. Future updates will be provided as they become available. For further information or clarification,
contact the Environmental Management Programs Office at (202) 273-8397.
C. V. Yarbrough
Chief Facilities Management Officer
CO: E-mailed 2/19/98
FLD: VISN, MA, DO, OC, OCRO and 200 - FAX 2/19/98