VA Handbook 0055
July 28, 2003
assessment, also known as a detailed energy audit. Phase IV is the oversight of the
installation. Phase V is post-installation oversight and monitoring.
e. Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs). Energy efficient capital improvements made
to the facilities that are implemented for the purpose of saving energy.
f. Energy Goals. Energy conservation goals mandated by the federal government.
g. Energy Savings Contractor (ESCO). Contractors that are certified to install ECMs.
h. Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC). Performance-based contract issued to
an ESCO to install ECMs. The contractor is typically paid through realized energy cost
i. Investment Decision Matrix. A VA document used for assessing an investment
opportunity determining the most efficient funding vehicle to complete the energy investment.
j. Investment Option. The funding/procurement mechanism used to accomplish energy
needs and deficiencies. This includes the use of appropriated funds (major, minor, non-
recurring maintenance) and third-party alternative financing (enhanced-use leases, energy
savings performance contracts, and utility energy savings contracts).
k. Regional Energy Boards. Boards comprised of administration and staff office personnel
to manage commodity acquisition purchases and strategies, and other duties as assigned.
The regional boards will be responsible for the administration and implementation of the
policies, procedures, and guidelines set forth by the Central Energy Board.